Evening ritual:
Quote for the night:
ìLove is an emotion of the moment. All emotions come forth in the moment. Hear this: they come
forth in the moment in response to what you are thinking or what you are speaking or what you
are doing, you see. As you focus upon what you are wanting, by Law of Attraction you will see
more and more and more. And so those relationships where you feel most love are those
relationships where you have the ability to see.
So often, as physical beings, you are looking for love from others and when you do not find it you
think it is your deficiency. It is not your deficiency, my friends, it is the deficiency of the other, for
it is their ability to see what they like which brings forth the feeling of love within them. And if
they do not see it in you it is not your flaw, it is not your lack, it is theirs, you see!î
Abraham - Special Subjects Tape AB-7 - Relationships and Agreements