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Day Twenty Four - Love

Morning Ritual:

Quote for the day:

G: ...itís simple to say that he (birth father) abandoned me, but now

A: Or freed you

G: I hadnít thought about it that way because

A: freed you to be the chooser of your life without the influence of someone already undecided
and unsure

G: And troubled, he had

A: someone who wants more than anything to be of value. Who recognizes that he cannot guide
his own life, what possibility does he have of guiding another.

G: Oh Abraham, this is wonderful

A: and wisely said, ìYouíll do alrightî.

G: he used to spend a lot of his time in a fishing boat. He didnít, he was very much a loaner...

A: He was much more a connected being than you have ever been allowed to believe that he was.
Because those who wanted to justify to you his absence, had to make his being gone, wrong.

G: Ahhhh, exactly.

A: They couldnít let his absence be a noble thing, or a virtuous thing, or a guided thing, or a
connected thing. It had to be a wrong thing. So you were spoon fed misinformation.

G: Because he got a lot of this ying, ying, yang from his family.

A: Of course he did. He did not stay put. And he did not allow them to pigeonhole him. And he
refused to suffer in the ways that they chosen to suffer.

G: Well now, because of the vibrational match, now Abraham, I did the very same thing. I
fathered a child in another part of the world

A: And then that child is blessed as you have been blessed.

G: Ahhhaaa. When I think of all the cheap melodrama Iíve gone through in my own head about
all this. I donít have any guilt anymore...I freed him too. Didnít I?

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