DayTwenty Nine - Wealth
Morning Ritual:
Quote for the day:
Subject: Abe: ALL desires are answered
Every particle of the universe is choosing... but we would say instead of saying ìchoiceî or
ìdecideî or ìdecisionî, we would say ìdiscovering personal individual preferenceî. So much so
that, even the fish in the ocean feels preference. Even a cell in your body feels preference. In
other words, ìthis feels better than this.î I prefer this to this, prefer this to this. And this
extraordinary universe that we are all a part of says that when the preference of the individual
preferrer or the individual consciousness is discovered, Source Energy answers it. So every
preference is... how wonderful is that!?
That would be like saying to you, in a much more bulky version: So here are all of these people
here in this room and Source Energy is responding to every single one of you at all times. And
you say ìWell that sounds pretty good. But what if one wants it to be 80 degrees in this room and
another wants it to be 65 degrees in this room? How does Source Energy answer both
preferences?î And we say, both preferences are answered; the individual must be in the place of
allowing it. And you say ìWell how can we share the same space and time, and have two different
experiences?î And we say it has to do with your willingness to allow. The reason that one wants
80 degrees and the other wants 65 degrees is because both want to be comfortable. If this one is
wanting to be comfortable and not disallowing it and this (one) is wanting to be comfortable and
not disallowing it, both are comfort(able)....but if this one says ìI donít like what this one is
asking forî, then this one is not a match to what they want and if this one says ìI donít like what
that one is asking for.î, then this one is not a match to what he wants.... so now you have two
beings neither one in vibrational harmony with their own desire both blaming each other for
things going wrong, you see.
So, is it possible for every consciousness in all of the universe to conclude their own individual
preference and all be answered? YES! EVERY asking is answered. The question is, ìAre you
letting it in or not?î
Abraham-Hicks workshop, Cincinnati, OH - 7/7/0