(nextflipdebug5) #1

îYou know television, that thing that people watch?î
îWhat? I donít need outside stimulation. My own life experience brings me all that I need. And
Iím in such a perfect vibrational connection that every now and again I do get the impulse to turn on
the television and what I see enhances the thought that Iíve been thinking. But I donít sit there end-
lessly hour after hour just hoping that something will go by that will be of value. Iím inspired to turn
it on. I pluck from it the beneficial things just like I pluck from life the beneficial things.î
Ahh. You are in the most glorious position of any creator we have ever knownóon a platform
of such exaggerated contrast with so much potential for pleasing experience. Itís just as you knew it
would be. And so, here you are, making deliberate decision to offer your vibration purposefully. And
it is our absolute promise to you that you will live eternally happily ever after.

AbeóPortland, OR 7-13-

[Snips from Abrahamís 5/11/02 Silver Spring, MD:]

ìPractice scenarios that feel good... scenarios that feel good... scenarios that feel good. And
never mind reality, reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating.î

ìWe never cease to be and we never cease to expand, thatís not in question, the only thing in
question is, in THIS moment of expansion, is THIS consciousness having a joyful moment or
not. Because you ARE having an expansive moment, that never stops, but are you having a
joyful moment, thatís the only thing in question. And that is the goal... in other words, thatís what
itís all about.î

ìEverything about all life that exists is about minding the details for a joyful moment. In
other words, all existence is about that. Even the cells in your body are finding preferences...
Everything exists for the purpose of finding preference.î
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