(nextflipdebug5) #1

Evening ritual:

Quote for the night:
You are where you are!! In other words ,you cant just say ìWell I `m not feeling very good and I
should be feeling good so bloooooooooooooooooppppppppppp ìIím gonna feel goodî

Its likeÖÖÖ. the analogy that we are giving recently and people are hearing it very
easilyÖÖÖÖÖits like one of these high security places where you have an access card that is
swiped and when your access card is swiped then the doors open to you into the facility. In other
words its sort of like having computer codes and some places you can go and some places you
canít go.

When you are offering that vibrational access card and there are some places thatÖÖÖÖ.
depending upon how you are feeling right now. In other words someone who is
joyous,joyeous,joyeous does not have access to cancer!! Someone who is really discouraged does
not have access to wellbeing.

And so you have this range of vibration and lets say in the analogy that we are exaggerating here
That you wake up ,you are panicked , The call didnít come. Your irritated with your agent anyway.
Your lover isnít helping either. The house is a mess. You put the orange juice in the blender and
the lid wasnít on it tight and it splattered all over the ceiling!!and you have been observing and
you are in THAT place!!!

And your range is from irritated out of your mind to irritated to not so irritated. In other words
that is your range. Your just crazy madÖÖÖ.madÖÖÖÖ not so mad.

And so you think ìWell Abraham said I should think a happy thoughtî Right? Abrahams a stupid
fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lots of group laughter)

Thatís about as far as you can get on that. In other words you donít have ACCESS to the thought
that feels good. Your right where you are. So what do you do?

Well you reach for the thought that feels best of what youíve got to work with.So the crazy out of
your mind though doesnít feel good. The mad thought feels doesnít feel as good but the not so
mad thought is the best you can do. So you reach for the thought that feels best where you are
Extract from Abraham-Hicks tape G-7/8/00


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