(nextflipdebug5) #1

Day Fourteen - Wealth

Morning Ritual:

Quote for the day:
Abraham on action/creating:

Nothing is more exhilarating than to get your action in harmony with your thought and desire.
That is the flow that youíre talking about. That is life of ecstasy; that is a life that flows; that is a
life of doors opening everywhere; that is a life of being able to do what you could not otherwise
have done if you were ten people, one hundred people, one thousand people.
G 10/3/92
You see, the day that Esther laid in her bed and launched the intention to be in the first class
seats, there were MANY ëco-creatorsí involved. The people at the airport, the people on the
airplane, the flight attendant, the person in the other city who took an earlier flight and left an-
other seat open. In other words, there were 100s of other co-creators involved in that scenario that
Jerry and Esther never did see. In other words, they could not physically, in an action sense, see
it. So, when you are talking about co-creating, realize that this co-creation is not just you and
your co-creating partner. It is you and a whole host of physical and nonphysical beings.
When you believe that it is through your effort that you make it happen, and you apply effort and
you get tired, then you disconnect from what really makes it happen.
G 2/28/93
When we talk about molding Energy, what weíre really talking about is getting out there and
thinking. Think, and feel how that thought feels. Think. Use your Guidance System. Donít come
to a seminar and try to get somebody to tell you what to do, donít go to books or dig up books that
have been buried 2,000 years ago and try to figure out how to live your life. Get out there and live,
and any moment that youíre off the track youíll feel it. Every moment that you have stepped away
from the Energy, youíll feel it.

So what you begin to notice is that there is a pattern: When you are appreciating, youíre full of
this Energy; when youíre blaming, itís not there. When you are applauding and finding value and
seeing positive aspects, it is pouring through you. If youíre finding lack and finding fault and
seeing criticism, itís not there. So, as you begin to just think and feel, think and feel, you can
teach yourself, in a matter of a few days, how to get back into connection with that Energy. Every-
bodyís running around trying to find somebody to love them, when what all of you really want, is
an object of attention that pulls pure Energy through you.
Unless you are able to bring yourself to a place of feeling good about it, donít take action. So what
are we concluding here? Your work is to first find the feeling place, then take the inspired action.
So are we trying to guide you away from action? Not at all. Action is delicious. Act as much as
you have physical time, energy, and inclination to act. But always take your point of action from a
place of feeling good.
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