Handbook of Psychology

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Abdominal fat, measurement of, 123
Abdominal pain/discomfort, 395, 400... 403
Abortion, teenage, 479...480
Abuse.SeePhysical/sexual abuse;
Substance abuse
Academic examination stress, 77
Accident/injury, 447...448, 454 ...456, 472...473.
See alsoSpinal cord injury (SCI)
Acupressure/acupuncture, 597, 598
Adaptive copers (AC) patients (pain
management), 311
ADHD and tobacco dependence, 153...154
adolescents, 474... 475
AIDS, 233...235
asthma, 108...109
children, 453... 454
chronic disease, 499...500
coronary heart disease, 356
diabetes, 192...193, 199, 202
Adolescent health psychology, 465... 482
abnormal maturational delay, 470
accidents/injury, 472... 473
amenorrhea, 470 ... 471
body image, 470
compliance with medical regimens, 474... 475
delayed menstruation, 470 ... 471
developmental tasks of, 467
focus of development at different stages of
adolescence, 467
future directions, 481... 482
gynecomastia, 470
health care providers and, 473... 474
health promotion, 477
illness, effects of on development, 476... 477
interaction of developmental issues and health
care, 472... 477
interaction of physical and psychosocial
development, 468... 471
legal consultation, 480
maturation rates, and gender, 469
menarche, 466
morbidity and mortality, 472... 473
obesity, 476
patient (adolescent as), 473
peers (rising importance of), 472
physical appearance, 476
physical development, 465... 467
pregnancy, 479... 480
psychosocial development, 467... 468
rating scale for sexual maturity (Tanner),
465... 466
risk taking (increased), 472
school-based health services, 480... 481

sexual activity and health consequences,
477... 480
special services for adolescents, 480 ... 481
spermarche, 466
stature, short/tall, 471
Tanner staging, 465... 466
timing of puberty, 468... 470
vulnerability to abuse, 475... 476
Adult development and aging. SeeAging/elderly
Aerobic exercise, 604
African Americans, 363, 546...547
compliance with medical regimens and,
474 ... 475
elderly (seeAging/elderly)
headaches and, 258
insomnia and, 318...319
spinal cord injury and, 418
stressful life events and, 44
youth (seeAdolescent health psychology; Child
health psychology)
Aging/elderly, 487...503
adherence and chronic disease, 499...500
behavioral risk factors, 497... 498
cancer and aging, 500 ...503
cardiovascular health, 487
cognition and neuropsychology, 489... 494
coping with disease, 500
decision making, 499
de“ning normal aging, 488... 489
disease prevalence in aging, 488
epidemiology and preventive medicine, 489
ethical/policy issues, 20
functioning, age-related changes in, 488
future directions, 502...503
gender and health and, 500
geriatric medicine, 489
geropsychology, 500
hypertension and age (main effects), 490 ... 494
(see alsoHypertension)
methodological considerations when studying,
494 ... 496
new developments in genetics and, 498 ... 499
personality and social factors, 496 ... 498
personality change and disease, 497
physiologic changes and spinal cord
injury, 420
primary/secondary aging (de“nitions), 490
research opportunities in health psychology and
aging, 499...502
self-rated health, 498
social support, 498
stress and aging, 499
transcendental meditation (TM), 596

what health psychologists need to know about
aging, 488...489
what we know from a person•s age, 488
women living alone, 536
AIDS/HIV, 219...239
adherence, 233...235
adolescents and risk behaviors, 479
alcohol use and, 522
basic information about, 219...221
clinic-based programs, 225...226
community-based programs, 226...229
community collaboration, 237
coping and, 54, 232...233
drug abuse treatment settings, 223...224
epidemiology, 219...220
future directions, 237...239
historical and psychosocial context of medical
care, 230...231
immune function and, 80 ...82, 83, 86...87
impact (psychosocial and economic), 220...221
international involvement, 239
osteopathy, 593
prevention programs:
downstream approaches, 222...224
midstream approaches, 224 ...229
primary, 221...230
secondary, 230...237
upstream approaches, 229...230, 239
psychological intervention needs among people
living with HIV, 231...233
risk-reduction among persons living with HIV,
school-based programs, 224 ...225, 238
social support and, 62...63, 66
stigma, 382
stressors related to, 232
technology use, increased, 238
transmission and natural course, 220
women•s health, 517, 522
Alcohol use/abuse:
African Americans, 547
aging and, 492, 497
Asian Americans, 548
cancer and, 270
Latino(a) Americans, 549
Native Americans, 551
women, 521...522
Alexander technique (movement therapy), 605
Alexithymia (asthma), 102...103
Alternative therapies. SeeTherapies,
Alzheimer•s disease (AD), 61...62, 78, 496, 499
Amenorrhea, 470... 471
Anger, 300, 341...342, 345...346

Subject Index

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