Handbook of Psychology

(nextflipdebug2) #1

660 Subject Index

Animal models of nicotine addiction, 149...153
cancer and, 272...273
coronary heart disease and, 604
immune function and, 80... 81
movement therapies for, 604
recurrent abdominal pain and, 402
spinal cord injury and, 423
women•s health and, 520
Aromatherapy, 603
Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions, 169...185
chronic pain studies, 57...58
coping, 57, 58
diathesis, 170 ...176
biological factors, 170 ...173
depression, 174 ...175
“bromyalgia (FM), 172 ...173
neuroticism, 173
osteoarthritis (OA), 171
positive affect, 175
psychological factors, 173 ...175
rheumatoid arthritis, 170 ...171
self-ef“cacy and control, 173 ...174
social diathesis factors, 175 ...176
social support, 175...176
somatization, 175
stigma, 176
future directions, 184 ...185
osteopathy, 593
social support and, 64, 66
stress, 176 ...183
appraisal, 182
biological stress systems, 176 ...182
coping, 182...183
HPA axis, 177...178
immune system, 179...180
pain system, 180...182
psychological stress factors, 182...183
reproductive system, 178...179
SAM axis, 178
social stress factors, 183
biological/pharmacological, 183 ...184
implications, 183...184
psychosocial, 184
written emotional disclosure therapy, 605
women and, 518
Art therapy, 606
Asian Americans/Paci“c Islanders, 547...548
Asthma, 99...1 14
adherence, 108...109, 453
alexithymia, 102...103
autonomic nervous system and in”ammatory
processes in stress and, 108
children and, 453
classical and operant conditioning, 100...101
cognitive and perceptual processes, 101...102
comorbid psychiatric disorders:
functional status, 107...108
mood disorders, 107
panic disorder, 106...107
effects of suggestion on pulmonary function,
epidemiology, 100
family systems theory, 103...104

future directions, 114
health care costs related to, 100
panic-fear, 110
perceivedvs.objective pulmonary
function, 102
psychiatric disorders and, 106...1 10
psychoanalytic theory and, 102...103
psychological factors associated with, 104...108
psychological theories applied to mechanisms
involved in (evidence basis), 100...104
psychosocial factors, 109...1 10
repressive-defensive coping style, 103
social relationships, 110...1 11
stress/emotions and, 104...106, 108
treatment/psychological interventions:
acupuncture, 597
education about, 111
EMG biofeedback, 113
homeopathy, 592
hypnosis, 114
medical treatments for, 108
psychotherapy, 111...1 12
relaxation training, 112...1 13
respiratory resistance biofeedback, 113
respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)
feedback, 113
written emotional expression exercises,
112, 605
yoga, 113...1 14
Atkins• diet, 602
Attention-rejection (coping style), 53
Autogenic training/feedback, 254...255
Autonomic nervous system and in”ammatory
processes in stress and asthma, 108
Ayurveda, 595...598

Bariatric surgery, 130...131
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), 198, 396
Behavioral assessment devices, 327...328
Behavioral conceptualizations, chronic pain,
Behavioral risk/protective factors:
African Americans, 363, 546...547
aging, 497...498
Asian Americans, 547...548
cancer, 270...271
gender, 553
Latino(a) Americans, 549
Native Americans, 550...551
socioeconomic status and, 557
Behavioral treatment/prevention approaches.
SeeCognitive and behavioral
Beliefs about pain, 300...301
Bereavement, 38...40, 80
Biobehavioral factors (gender), 554
Biobehavioral model of headache, 253...254
Biofeedback, 113, 255...256, 355...356
Biological factors (gender), 552...553
Biomedical model of chronic pain, 294
Biopsychosocial model, 1, 7, 10, 169, 318...319
Blood Glucose Awareness Training (BGAT),
Body image, 273, 470
Body Mass Index (BMI), 122

Bone marrow transplantation, 270, 275
Breast cancer (women•s health), 516
Breast self-examination (BSE), 54
Brief therapy, 402, 403...404, 469

Cancer, 267...286
in adolescents, 476...477
aging and, 500...503
anxiety and, 272...273
basic primer, 267...270
behavioral risk factors, 270...271
body image problems and, 273
breast, 516
carcinoma, 268
caregiver/family issues, 283...285
in children, 445, 449...451
classi“cation into “ve major groups, 268
coping and, 56, 64...66, 276...277
delirium in, 273
depression and, 272
future directions, 285...286
gender, 268
immune function and, 86
interventions (psychosocial), 278...283
CBT for anticipatory nausea, 279
CBT for emotional distress, 280
CBT for pain, 280
educational, 278...279
group-therapy approaches, 281
health outcomes and, 281...282
immune functioning and, 282...283
for pain related to procedures, interventions
for (with children), 449... 451
problem-solving therapy (PST), 280...281
telephone counseling, 281
leukemia, 268
lung, 515...516
lymphoma, 268
myeloma, 268
pediatric brain tumors, 456...457
prevention issues, 283
psychiatric disorders and, 271...272
psychosocial effects of, 271...276
psychosocial factors in”uencing impact of,
race and, 268
sarcoma, 268
sexual functioning dif“culties, 273 ...274
social support, 56, 64 ...66, 277...278
staging, 269
statistics, 268...269
suicide, 273
survivorship, 501...502
terminal patients (psychological issues), 274
treatment, 269...270, 501, 598
alternative therapies, 598
bone marrow transplantation (BMT),
270, 275
chemotherapy, 269, 275
of the elderly, 501
immunotherapy, 269...270
psychological responses to speci“c, 274 ...275
radiation therapy, 269, 275
surgery, 269, 274 ...275
in women, 515...516, 536
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