Handbook of Psychology

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Subject Index 661

Carcinoma, 268
Cardiovascular. SeeCoronary heart
disease (CHD)
Caregivers, 78, 283...285, 532
cancer patients, 283...285
health, 284
immune dysregulation and, 78
problem-solving approaches, 284 ...285
psychoeducational interventions, 284
psychological distresss, 284
psychosocial interventions for, 284 ...285
unmet needs, 284
women•s role as, 532
Catastrophic thinking, 302
Cattell 16-PF, 497
Chaplains, 582
Chemotherapy, 269, 275
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), 402, 475
Child Depression Inventory (CDI), 402
Child health psychology, 439... 458
basic assumptions (four), 439... 444
competence and stress-and-coping
paradigms (vs.de“cits/psychopathology),
441... 442
family as central organizing framework,
439... 440
indicated interventions, 445, 446, 454 ... 458
pediatric brain tumors, 456... 457
transplantation, 457... 458
traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children,
454 ... 456
outcome studies (importance of), 442... 443
pediatric psychology as umbrella, 440... 441
risk levels, and related psychological
interventions, 444 ... 446
selective interventions, 445...446, 448... 454
disease-related pain, 451... 453
pain/distress management, 448... 449
procedure-related pain, 449... 451
social ecology theory, 440
treatment adherence, 453...454
universal interventions, 445, 446...448
immunizations, 446...447
prevention of unintentional injuries,
in primary care settings, 446
Child Posttraumatic Stress Reaction Index, 32
Chinese medicine, traditional (TCM), 596...598
Chiropractic, 594...595
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 365...384
case de“nition, 365...369
epidemiology, 369...371
etiology, 371...374
future directions, 383...384
medical utilization, 380...381
prognosis, 377...378
sociodemographics, 369
stigma, 381...383
subtypes, 374...376
treatment, 378...381
attributions, 381
cognitive behavior therapy, 379...380
coping skills therapy, 379
envelope therapy, 379
exercise, 379

nonpharmacological interventions, 379...380
pharmacological and alternative, 378...379
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
55...56, 111, 517. See alsoPulmonary
Chronic pain. SeePain
Cigarettes.SeeTobacco use/dependence
Circadian rhythms, 318, 369
Clinic-based programs (AIDS prevention),
Clinical approach to health psychology, 8...9
Cognition and neuropsychology (and aging),
489... 494
Cognitive and behavioral therapy/interventions:
anticipatory nausea (cancer), 279
asthma, 111
cancer, 279, 280
children, 402...403, 450, 453
chronic fatigue syndrome, 379...380
coronary heart disease, 355...356
depression in diabetes, 198
emotional distress (cancer), 280
ethnic minorities, 551...552
headache, 253...261, 453
insomnia, 331
irritable bowel syndrome, 404 ... 406
pain, 280, 308...310, 402...403, 450
procedure-related pain (children), 450
recurrent abdominal pain (RAP), 402... 403
recurrent headache in children, 453
spinal cord injury, 429
Cognitive appraisals (demand/resource) and
stressful life events, 29
Cognitive effects of smoking (tobacco
dependence), 153
Cognitive factors, psychology of pain, 300...303
Cognitive/perceptual processes (asthma),
Cognitive processing theories (coping), 52
Cognitive-transactional process perspective
(stressful life events), 28...30
Community approach to health psychology, 8...9
Community-based programs (AIDS prevention),
226...229, 237. See alsoSchool-based
Competence and stress-and-coping paradigms,
441... 442
Competency, professional. SeeTraining/education
Computer/technology use, 238, 261
Conditioning, classical/operant, 85, 100...101,
asthma, 100...101
immune function and, 85
pain management, 295...297
Conjugal loss/bereavement, 38...40
Conservation of resources (COR) theory, 29...30,
38...39, 41
Coping, 51...59
aging, and disease, 500
cancer, 56, 276...277
chronic fatigue syndrome, 373, 377, 379
chronic illness, 55...56, 58...59
diabetes, 202
disease progression/risk and, 54 ...55
future directions, 59

health behaviors and, 54
health outcomes and, 54 ...55
HIV/AIDS, 232...233
immune function and, 81
pain, 57...58, 302...303, 307
psychological adaptation to disease and, 55...57
social comparison process, 57
theories of, 51...54
cognitive processing theories, 52
coping style theories, 52...53
stress and coping paradigm, 51...52
theories of coping with health risk, 53...54
women•s expression of illness, 533...534
Coronary heart disease (CHD), 339, 340...352
aging and, 487, 490, 493, 494 ...496, 499
anger/hostility and, 341...342, 345...346
depression and, 346...347
gender and, 343...345, 529, 553, 555
high blood pressure (seeHypertension)
individual characteristics and, 345...348
obesity and, 124
occupational stress and, 342
psychosocial risk factors, 340...345
race and, 343...345
social support and, 60...61, 63...64, 342...343,
socioeconomic status (SES) and, 342...343,
344, 529
stress and, 341...343, 348, 349...350
treatment, 348...352
exercise and behavioral components of
cardiac rehabilitation, 348...349
interventions to increase social support and
reduce life stress, 349...350
lifestyle changes, 349...352
medical/surgical, 348
modifying hostility and Type A
behavior, 349
osteopathy, 593
psychosocial approaches, 349...352
Type A behavior, 345, 349
women, 514...515, 529, 536
Criminal victimization, 40...41, 475... 476
Cultural aspects of health psychology, 545
considerations in study of ethnicity/SES/
gender, and health, 558...559
ethnicity (seeRace/ethnicity)
future directions, 558...559
gender (seeGender)
occupational health psychology
(case study), 581
race (seeRace/ethnicity)
socioeconomic status (seeSocioeconomic
status (SES))
stressful life events, 43... 44
Cultural Deviance Model, 558
Cultural Equivalence Model, 558
Cultural Variant Model, 558

Daily Coping Inventory, 57
Daily Hassles Scale, 33
Daily Uplift Scale, 33
Dance movement therapy (DMT), 605... 606
Data imputation, 496
Daytime sleepiness, 328
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