Handbook of Psychology

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662 Subject Index

Decision making (research opportunities), 499
Delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH), 77
Delirium (cancer), 273
Demand appraisal, 29
Depression/depressive disorders:
cancer and, 272
in children, 442
coping, 56
coronary heart disease and, 346...347
diabetes and, 197...198
electroacupuncture, 598
fatigue and, 366 ...367, 370
gender and, 554
headaches and, 259
homeopathy, 593
irritable bowel syndrome and, 396
immune function, 80, 81...82
pain and, 300
recurrent abdominal pain and, 401... 402
spinal cord injury and, 422... 423
stressful life events and, 34 ...35
tobacco dependence and, 154
in women, 519...520
Desensitization, 450
Developmental perspective. SeeAdolescent
health psychology; Aging/elderly;
Child health psychology
Diabetes mellitus, 191...210
adherence, 192...193, 199, 202
aging and, 492, 493, 494
barriers to care, 202...203
in children, 441, 442, 453, 454
classi“cation system, 191
Clinic Satisfaction Questionnaire, 201
coping and problem solving, 202
depression and, 197...198
education programs, 193...194
future directions, 209...210
health psychology and, 208...209
hypoglycemia (consequences/detection/
severity), 205...206
obesity and, 124
patient-practitioner interactions, 200...202
prevalence, 191
psychosocial factors in management of,
sexual dysfunction, 203...205
social support, 199...200
stress and, 195...197
weight management, 206...208
Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS), 366
Diathesis-stress model. SeeArthritis and
musculoskeletal conditions
Dietary interventions:
alternative healing approaches, 601... 602
Atkins• diet, 602
ethnic minorities, 552
Gerson method, 602
macrobiotic diets, 602
Ornish Lifestyle Heart Trial, 602
very low-caloric diets (VLCDs), 131, 207
very low-fat diets, 601... 602
African Americans, 546
Asian Americans, 548

cancer and, 270
Latino(a) Americans, 549
Native Americans, 550
arthritis and, 169 (see alsoArthritis and
musculoskeletal conditions)
related characteristics of spinal cord injury, 425
(see alsoSpinal cord injury (SCI))
Disasters.SeeStressful life events
Disease/illness.See also Specific
adolescent development and, 476 ... 477
aging and, 488, 497
coping, 54...55
immune function and, 81...82
pain related to (interventions for children),
451... 453
personality change and, 497
social support, 62...64
stressful life events and, 34...36
Domestic violence, 40, 517...518
Drug abuse. SeeSubstance abuse
Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep
Scale (DBAS), 327
Dyslipidemia and obesity, 124

Eastern systems of healing, 595...598
Ayurveda, 595...598
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 596...598
Eating disorders, 520...521
Echinacea, 598...599
Ecological context/dimensions, 7, 570 ...572
Economics, 20, 125...126
Education in psychology. SeeTraining/education
Educational interventions, 111, 193...194,
278...279, 284, 331...332
Elderly. SeeAging/elderly
Electroacupuncture, 597, 598
Emotional control, and coping, 53
Emotional disclosure (immune function), 85...86
Emotional distress of cancer, 280
Employment role (women•s health), 530 ...532
Endocrine function, 61
Energy mobilization, 603
Enhancement or expansion hypothesis, 530
Envelope therapy, 379
Environmental factors/contributors:
headaches, 259...260
obesity, 126...128
tobacco dependence, 154...155
Ethical/policy issues, 19...20
aging of the population, 20
economics, 20
new technologies, 20
poverty and inequality, 19...20
tobacco dependence, 154...155, 161
Ethnicity. SeeRace/ethnicity
Exercise.See alsoPhysical activity:
aerobic, 604
chronic fatigue syndrome, 379
coronary heart disease, 348...349, 355
obesity and, 134...135
physical activity interventions (ethnic
minorities), 552
resistance, 604

Exercise-stimulation therapy (Qigong), 596...597
Expressive therapies, 605... 606
art therapy, 606
dance movement therapy (DMT), 605... 606
music therapy (MT), 606
written emotional disclosure, 112, 605

asthma and family systems theory, 103...104
as central organizing framework (children),
439... 440
inclusion of (spinal cord injury), 429
work-family interface (occupational health
psychology), 572
Fatigue.SeeChronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Feldenkrais• functional integration (movement
therapy), 605
Fennell Phase Inventory, 376
Fibromyalgia (FM), 172...173, 373, 374, 376, 519
Field-theory, 423
Functional integration (movement therapy), 605
Functional somatic syndromes, 373...374
Functioning/functional status:
age-related changes in, 488
asthma, 107...108
goals for levels of injury (in spinal cord injury),
416... 417
pain and, 306...307, 31 1
Gallstones and obesity, 125
Garlic, 599
Gate control theory (GCT), 298...299
Gender. See alsoWomen•s health psychology:
aging, 500
cancer, 268
caregiving, 532
conjugal loss, 39
coronary heart disease, 343...345
health/life expectancy, 533, 552...555
behavioral factors, 553
biobehavioral factors, 554
biological factors, 552...553
prevention approaches, 554...555
psychosocial factors, 553...554
male/female physicians, 523
obesity, 123...124
physical maturation rate, 469
psychological distress of irritable bowel
syndrome, 397
reactions to fertility status, 525
spinal cord injury, 418
stressful life events, 39, 42... 43
tobacco dependence, 153
workplace support and health, 531
General adaptation syndrome (GAS), 28
Genetics/genetic factors:
aging (new developments), 498... 499
coronary heart disease, 352...353
obesity, 126
tobacco dependence, 152, 157...160
Genocide, 38
Genome, human, 559
Geriatric medicine, 489. See alsoAging/elderly
Geropsychology, 500
Gerson method, 602
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