Handbook of Psychology

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Subject Index 663

Ginger, 599
Ginkgo biloba, 599... 600
Ginseng, 600
Global Symptom Index (GSI), 398
Goodness-of-“t (occupational health
psychology), 572
Group-therapy approaches, 261, 281
Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services
(GAPS), 473...474, 477
Gynecomastia, 470

Hamilton Scales, 396
Headaches, 245...262
abortive medications, 251
behavioral treatment, 253...261
age/gender and, 258
autogenic feedback/training, 254 ...255
biofeedback, 255...256
cognitive-behavioral interventions, 256...257
comorbid psychological
distress/disorder, 259
computers and Web- and CD-Rom-
administered treatments, 261
depression and, 259
environmental factors, 259...260
future directions, 261...262
group treatment, 261
headache type/frequency/chronicity and, 258
implementation, 254
minimal therapist contact interventions,
patient preference and cost effectiveness, 260
planning, 257...261
relaxation training, 252, 254 ...255
treatment algorithms, 260
treatment format/delivery, 260...261
treatment history, 258...259
biobehavioral model of headache, 253...254
in children, 448, 452...453
classi“cation and diagnosis, 245...249
danger signs suggesting immediate medical
referral, 246
migraine, 247, 293...294, 396
nonpharmacological treatment, 252...253
osteopathy, 593
pain measurement, 249...250
headache diary, 249...250
supplementary approaches, 250
prophylactic medications, 251...252
substance abuse/withdrawal and, 248
symptomatic medications, 251
tension type, 248...249
behaviors compromising to, 34, 35
belief model, 453...454
conditions promoting and maintaining, 9...10
inalienable right to, 10
insurance, 523
promotion, 477, 497... 498
sleep and, 323
socioeconomic status and status of, 556
Health psychology, 1...2, 5...21
across the life span (seeAdolescent health
psychology; Aging/elderly; Child
health psychology)

approaches to (two: clinical/community),
centrality of scientist-practitioner model, 10
critique of professionalization, 18...19
de“nition and scope of, 6...10
economics of, 1...2
education and training (seeTraining/education)
ethical and policy issues, 19...20
aging population, 20
economics, 20
new technologies, 20
poverty/inequality, 19...20
history, 1...2, 5...6
relationship with other professions, 8
Health risk, theories of coping with, 53...54
Herbal remedies. SeeTherapies,
herbal remedies
High blood pressure. SeeHypertension
Homeopathy, 592...593
Horowitz Impact of Event Scale, 32
HPA axis, 75...76, 104, 177...178
Hypertension, 339, 352...356
aging and, 490...494
behavior and, 353...354
conclusions, 356...357
genetic and environmental interactions,
obesity and, 124
personality and, 354
stress and, 353...354
treatment, 354 ...356
adherence, 356
exercise training, 355
stress management, biofeedback, and
cognitive interventions, 355...356
transcendental meditation (TM), 596
weight loss and dietary changes, 355
Hypnosis/hypnotherapy, 85, 114, 404
Hypoglycemia, 205...206. See alsoDiabetes

•IdealŽ weight, 122
Imagery, 450
Immune function, 75...87
acutevs.chronic stress, 76...78
anxiety, 80...81
bereavement, 80
cancer and, 86, 282...283
chronic fatigue syndrome and, 371...374
coping, 81
depression, 80, 81...82
disease progression, 81...82
HIV and, 80...81, 83, 86...87
HPA axis, 75...76
immune dysregulation vs.immune suppression
(terminology), 76
individual psychological differences, 78...82
insomnia and, 323...324
mood/affect and, 79...81
psychological interventions, 84...87
cancer, 86
classical conditioning, 85
emotional disclosure, 85...86

HIV, 86...87
hypnosis, 85
relaxation, 85, 86
social relationships/support and, 61...62,
stress-immune pathways, 75...76
sympathetic nervous system (SNS), 76
Immunizations, 446...447, 473
Immunotherapy (cancer), 269...270
Individual characteristics/differences.
SeePersonality variables
Infertility, 525...526
Injury. SeeSpinal cord injury (SCI)
Insomnia, 317...334. See alsoSleep disturbances
basics of sleep, 317...320
age and maturation, 318...319
biopsychosocial determinants of, 318...319
circadian and homeostatic factors, 318
deprivation, 319...320
medical conditions and drugs, 319
psychosocial stressors, 319
classi“cation/diagnosis, 320...321
correlates and risk factors, 322
evaluation of sleep complaints/disorders,
324 ...328
behavioral assessment devices, 327...328
clinical interview, 325
Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about
Sleep Scale (DBAS), 327
evaluation of daytime sleepiness, 328
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
(PSQI), 327
polysomnography, 326...327
role of psychological evaluation, 328
self-report measures, 327
sleep diary monitoring, 326
Sleep Impairment Index (SII), 327
future directions, 333...334
health and sleep, 323
immunity and, 323...324
impact of, 324
longevity and, 323
outcome evidence, 332...333
prevalence, 321...322
psychopathology and sleep, 322...323
scope of problem, 320...324
subtypes (primary/secondary), 320
treatments, 328...333
barriers to, 329
cognitive-behavioral, 331
combined psychological and
pharmacological, 333
help-seeking determinants, 329
medications (bene“ts/limitations/risks),
psychological therapies, 330...332
relaxation-based interventions, 330...331
sleep hygiene education, 331...332
sleep restriction, 331
stimulus control therapy, 331
Integrated Delivery System (IDS) team, 582
Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL), 63
Interview measures vs.checklists (stressful life
events), 33
In vitro fertilization (IVF), 54, 525
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