Handbook of Psychology

(nextflipdebug2) #1

664 Subject Index

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 393... 408
abuse (sexual/physical) and, 399...400
categorical measures of psychopathology, 397
chronic fatigue syndrome and, 373
clinical criteria, 393...395
Manning criteria, 394
Rome criteria, 394...395
de“nition, epidemiological, and assessment
issues, 393...400
dimensional measures of distress, 396...397
epidemiology, 395...396
future directions, 407...408
gender differences in psychological
distress, 397
life events/stressors and GI distress, 398...399
patientvs.nonpatient, 397...398
psychological distress, 396...397
psychological treatment, 403...407
brief psychodynamic psychotherapy, 403... 404
cognitive and behavioral treatments,
hypnotherapy, 404
relaxation training, 404...406

Kava, 600
Kelly Air Force base. SeeOccupational health
psychology case study

Laboratory stress, 77
Laparoscopy, and acupressure, 598
Latino(a) Americans, 548...550
Leukemia, 268
Life-change score, 34
Life Events and Dif“culties Schedule (LEDS), 33
Life events/stress. SeeStress; Stressful life events
Life Experiences Survey (LES), 398
Lifespan development. SeeAdolescent health
psychology; Aging/elderly; Child
health psychology
Lifestyle interventions:
coronary heart disease, 349...352
obesity, 128...129
Longevity, insomnia and, 323
Lung cancer, 515...516. See alsoPulmonary
Lymphoma, 268

Macrobiotic diets, 602
Magnetic therapy, 597
Manning criteria, 398
aging and, 536
conjugal loss and bereavement, 38... 40
immune function and marital
disruption/interaction, 83...84
spinal cord injury and, 419
women•s role as spouse/caregiver, 532
Massage, 603
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), 398
Mediating processes (stressful life events), 29, 35
Medical treatment. SeePharmaceutical
Menarche, 466
Mental/psychiatric disorders:
asthma and psychiatric comorbidity, 106...108,
109...1 10

sleep and psychopathology, 322...323
tobacco dependence and psychiatric
comorbidity, 153...154
women, 519...522
Mentorship (women•s health), 535
Meridians, 596
Migration (refugees), 41... 42
Mind/body therapies, 606
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
(MMPI), 346, 396, 398
Miscarriage, 524 ...525
Modeling/behavioral rehearsal, 450
Modulation (physiological process in pain), 303
Mood, 79...81, 107
adolescents, 472... 473
African Americans, 546
Asian Americans, 547
ethnic/racial differences, 2
Latino(a) Americans, 548...549
Native Americans, 550
•the new morbidity,Ž 473
obesity and, 124, 125
spinal cord injury (mortality), 420... 421
Motivational enhancement therapy (MET), and
asthma, 109
Movement therapies, 604 ... 605
aerobic exercise, 604
Alexander technique (movement therapy), 605
dance movement therapy (DMT), 605... 606
Feldenkrais• functional integration (movement
therapy), 605
leisure activity, 604
resistance exercise, 604
yoga, 605
Moxibustion, 597
Multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation programs
(MPRP), 312...313
Multiple roles (risk/protective factor, women),
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 56, 382
Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT), 328
Musculoskeletal conditions. SeeArthritis and
musculoskeletal conditions
Music therapy (MT), 606
Myeloma, 268
Myofascial release/Rol“ng, 603

Native Americans, 550...551
Natural disasters, 30...31, 36...37
Natural environment studies (asthma), 105...106
Nausea, anticipatory (cancer), CBT for, 279
NEO Personality Inventory, 398
Neurasthenia, 365
Neurological categories and classi“cation, spinal
cord injury, 415... 417
Nociception, 293
Obesity, 121...138
in adolescence, 476
bariatric surgery, 130...131
Body Mass Index (BMI), 122
in childhood, 476
classi“cation of, 121...123

consequences of, 124 ...126
coronary heart disease and weight
management, 355
diabetes and weight management, 206...208
economic costs of, 125...126
environmental contributors to, 126...128
epidemiology, 123...124
exercise/physical activity, 134 ...135
•fatŽ tax, 138
food provision/monetary incentives, 133
future directions, 135...136
genetic contributors to, 126
•idealŽ weight, 122
lifelong perspective, 137
lifestyle interventions, 128...129
measurement of abdominal fat, 123
morbidity/mortality impact, 124, 125
multicomponent posttreatment
programs, 135
national plan for prevention of, 137
peer support, 133...134
pharmacotherapy, 129...130
prevention, 136...138
psychosocial consequences, 125
regulating advertising of junk foods, 138
relapse prevention training (RPT), 133
school interventions, 137...138
strategies to improve long-term outcome,
telephone prompts, 133
treatment of, 128...131
very low-caloric diets (VLCDs), 131, 207
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD),
miscarriage and, 524
Occupational health psychology, 569...586
ecological dimensions of, 570...572
future directions, 585...586
goodness-of-“t, 572
history, 570
individual characteristics, 571...572
organizational health, 573...579
preventive health management, 572...573
training in, 579...580
violence in workplace, 584
workaholism, 571
work environment, 570...571
work-family interface, 572
Occupational health psychology case study,
barriers and goals, 583
cost savings, 585
course of transition, 581...582
cultural issues and dilemmas, 581
high-risk work environment, good
results, 584
history and role of OHP at Kelly Air Force
base, 580
service-oriented networks:
chaplains, 582
Civilian Transition Of“ce (CT O), 582...583
Integrated Delivery System (IDS) team, 582
Kelly Action Information Board (KAIB), 582
United Way, 583
suicides, 584
Transition Life Advisor (TLA) Program,
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