Handbook of Psychology

(nextflipdebug2) #1

666 Subject Index

Public policy issues (Continued)
regulating advertising of junk foods
(obesity), 138
tobacco dependence, 154...157, 160...161
Pulmonary disease:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
55...56, 111, 517
coping and, 55...56
lung cancer, 515...516
perceivedvs.objective pulmonary function (in
asthma), 102 (see alsoAsthma)
social support/relationships and, 64, 111
women•s health, 517

Qigong, 596...597, 598
Quetelet•s Index, 122

Race/ethnicity, 546...552
African Americans, 546...547
alcohol abuse, 547, 548, 549, 551
Asian Americans/Paci“c Islanders, 547...548
behavioral treatment/prevention approaches for
ethnic minorities, 551...552
dietary interventions, 552
physical activity interventions, 552
smoking interventions, 551...552
cancer and, 268
diet, 546, 548, 549, 550, 552
Latino(a) Americans, 548...550
major behavioral risk and protective factors,
morbidity and mortality, 546, 547, 548...549, 550
Native Americans, 550...551
physical activity, 546...547, 548, 549, 550, 552
sexual behavior, 547, 548, 549, 550
social support, 547, 548, 549, 551
socioeconomic status and, and health, 556...557
spinal cord injury and, 418
stressful life events, 43... 44
tobacco use, 153, 546, 547...548, 549, 550,
Radiation therapy, 269, 275
Rape victims, adolescent, 475...476
Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP), 400 ... 403
Recurrent acute pain, 293...294
Re”exology, 603
Reframing beliefs, 450
Refugees, 41... 42
Regulation.SeePublic policy issues
Rehabilitation psychology, 423. See alsoSpinal
cord injury (SCI)
Reiki, 604
Relapse prevention training (RPT) (obesity), 133
Relaxation-based interventions:
asthma, 112...1 13
children, 450
headaches, 252, 254 ...255
immune function, 85, 86
insomnia, 330...331
irritable bowel syndrome, 404 ... 406
progressive muscle relaxation training, 254, 255
Repression-sensitization (coping style), 53
Repressive-defensive coping styles, 53, 103
Reproductive health. SeeWomen•s health
psychology, reproductive health

Reproductive system, 178...179
Resilience to stress, 169
Resistance exercise, 604
Resistance stage, 28
appraisals, 29
objective/subjective, 30
Respiratory problems. SeeAsthma;
Pulmonary disease
Respiratory resistance biofeedback, 113
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)
feedback, 113
Response-based perspective (stressful life
events), 28
Risk, health (role/theories of coping), 53...55
Risk levels (children), and related psychological
interventions, 444...446
Risk-reduction among persons living with HIV,
Risk taking, increased (adolescents), 472
Rol“ng, 603

Sarcoma, 268
Scarcity hypothesis, 530
Schedule of Recent Experiences (SRE), 32
School-based programs:
AIDS prevention, 224...225, 238
health services for adolescents, 480...481
obesity, 137...138
Scientist-practitioner model, 10, 574
Secondary-gain model of chronic pain, 295
Self-administration, 149...151
Self-ef“cacy and pain, 301...302
Self-rated health, aging and, 498
Self-regulatory model of illness behavior, 53
Self-report measurement of pain, 306
SERATE (Standardized Event Rating System), 33
Sex roles, socialization, and women•s health,
Sexual abuse. SeePhysical/sexual abuse
Sexual dysfunction:
cancer and, 273...274
diabetes and, 203...205
in men, 203...204
in women, 204
Sexual harassment in workplace, 531
Sexual health settings, AIDS preventions,
Sexuality/sexual behavior. See alsoWomen•s
health psychology, reproductive health:
adolescents, 477... 480
African Americans, 547
Asian Americans, 548
Latino(a) Americans, 549
Native Americans, 550
spinal cord injury, 419... 420
Sexually transmitted disease (STD), 478...479,
522, 525. See alsoAIDS/HIV
Sickle cell disease, 57, 451... 452
Sleep disturbances. See alsoInsomnia:
depression and, 366
sleep apnea, and obesity, 125
Smoking.SeeTobacco use/dependence
Social comparison coping process, 52, 57
Social ecology theory (children), 440

Social integration, 59... 60
Social learning processes (pain), 297
Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), 32, 39,
398, 399
Social risk factors for initiation/maintenance of
tobacco use, 153...154
Social skills training, pediatric brain tumors, 456
Social Support Questionnaire, 65
Social support/relationships, 51, 59...68. See also
Psychosocial factors
African Americans, 547
aging, 498
AIDS/HIV, 62...63, 66
arthritis, 64, 66
Asian Americans, 548
asthma, 110...1 11
cancer, 64 ...66, 277...278
cardiovascular function, 60...61
coronary disease, 63...64, 342...343, 349...350
de“nitions, 59... 60
diabetes, 199...200
disease progression/mortality, 62... 64
disease recovery, 62
endocrine function, 61
future research, 67... 68
health outcomes and, 60 ... 62
immune function, 61...62, 82...84
Latino(a) Americans, 549
mechanisms for effects on well-being, 66 ... 67
Native Americans, 551
perceived/received support, 59
psychological outcomes and, 64
pulmonary disease, 64
spinal cord injury, 427... 428
stressful life events and, 43
weight loss, 208
women, 527...534
Sociodemographics of chronic fatigue
syndrome, 369
Socioeconomic status (SES):
assessment of, 555...556
behavioral risk factors and, 557
cancer and, 271
coronary heart disease and, 342...343, 344
ethnicity and health and, 556...557
health status and, 556
poverty and inequality, 7, 19...20
prevention and intervention approaches,
psychosocial risk factors and, 557
women•s mental/physical health and, 528...529
Soft tissue therapies, 603
Somatization, 175, 402
Spermarche, 466
Spinal cord injury (SCI), 415... 430
adjustment following, 423... 429
demographic characteristics, 424 ... 425
disability-related characteristics, 425
dynamic/developmental continuum/
processes, 423, 428... 429
individual differences, 424 ... 427
personality characteristics, 426... 427
phenomenological and appraisal
processes, 428
predisability behavioral patterns, 425... 426
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