Handbook of Psychology

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Subject Index 667

preinjury psychopathology, 426
social and interpersonal environment,
aging and physiologic changes, 420
chiropractic, 594...595
classi“cation of, 415...417
anxiety, 423
depression, 422...423
pain, 421
pressure sores, 421...422
spasticity and contractures, 422
urinary tract infections, 422
epidemiology, 417...421
family and, 429
functional goals for levels of injury, 416...417
future directions/advancements, 430
mortality, 420...421
psychological interventions, 429...430
sexuality and reproductive health, 419...420
vocational rehabilitation intervention
programs, 429
Spinal Manual Therapy (SMT), 594
St. Johns• wort (SJW), 600...601
Standardized Event Rating System
(SERATE), 33
Stanford Sleepiness Scale, 328
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), 396, 398
Stature, short/tall (adolescence), 471
Stigma, 176, 381...383
Stimulus-based perspective (stressful life
events), 28
Stimulus control therapy (insomnia), 331
academic examination, 77
acutevs.chronic, 76...78
aging and, 499
arthritis and (seeArthritis and musculoskeletal
conditions, stress)
asthma and, 104...106
chronic fatigue syndrome and, 369, 375
coronary heart disease and, 341...343,
348...350, 353...356
diabetes and, 195...197
HIV-related, 232
immune function and, 75...78
insomnia and, 319
irritable bowel syndrome and, 398...399
laboratory, 77
occupational, 342, 369
postpartum reactions and, 526
transactional stress theory, 29
Stress-and-coping paradigm, 51...52, 441...442
Stressful life events, 27...45
age, 44
assessment of, 32...34
controllability, 31
culture/ethnicity, 43...44
disasters (natural and technological), 30...31,
future directions, 44...45
gender and, 39, 42...43
health outcomes of, 34...36
individual differences and, 42...44
nature of, 30...32

PTSD and, 31...32
research examples:
conjugal loss and bereavement, 38... 40
criminal victimization, 40... 41
migration (refugees), 41... 42
natural disasters, 36...37
technological disasters, 37...38
war and genocide, 38
theoretical perspectives:
cognitive-transactional process perspective,
response-based perspective, 28
stimulus-based perspective, 28
Stroke, 124...125, 492, 493, 516...517, 536
Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV
(SCID), 366
Substance abuse:
alcohol (seeAlcohol use/abuse)
headaches and, 248
nicotine (seeTobacco use/dependence)
treatment settings, AIDS prevention, 223...224
women•s health, 521...522
Suicide, 273, 584
Sun exposure, 270...271
bariatric, 130...131
cancer, 269, 274...275
transplantation (children), 457... 458
Sympathetic nervous system (SNS), 76
Sympathoadrenomedullary (SAM) axis, 76

Tactile therapies, 602...605
Tai chi, 596...597, 598
Technological disasters, 30...31, 37...38
Technology, 20, 238, 261
Telephone prompts/counseling, 133, 281
Tetraplegia, 416. See alsoSpinal cord injury (SCI)
Therapeutic touch (TT), 603...604
Therapies, complementary/alternative, 591... 607
common themes, 607
decision-making problem, 607
dietary/nutrition/lifestyle modi“cation,
Atkins• diet, 602
Gerson method, 602
macrobiotic diets, 602
Ornish Lifestyle Heart Trial, 602
very low fat diets, 601... 602
Eastern systems of healing (therapeutic
approaches/clinical applications), 595...598
Ayurveda, 595...598
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),
expressive therapies, 605... 606
art therapy, 606
dance movement therapy (DMT), 605... 606
music therapy (MT), 606
written emotional disclosure, 605
future directions, 607
herbal remedies:
echinacea, 598...599
garlic, 599
ginger, 599
ginkgo biloba, 599... 600
ginseng, 600

kava, 600
research summary, 601
St. Johns• wort (SJW), 600 ... 601
integrating psychological interventions
with, 607
mind/body therapies, 606
movement therapies, 604 ... 605
aerobic exercise, 604
Alexander technique (movement therapy),
Feldenkrais• functional integration
(movement therapy), 605
leisure activity, 604
resistance exercise, 604
yoga, 605
tactile therapies, 602... 605
aromatherapy, 603
energy mobilization, 603
massage, 603
myofascial release and Rol“ng, 603
polarity therapy, 604
re”exology, 603
reiki, 604
soft tissue therapies, 603
therapeutic touch (TT), 603...604
Western systems of healing (therapeutic
approaches/clinical applications), 592...595
chiropractic, 594...595
homeopathy, 592...593
osteopathy, 593...594
Tobacco use/dependence, 147...162
advertising/promotions and, 154
aging and, 492, 494, 497
animal models of nicotine addiction, 149...153
place-conditioning (PC), 150, 151...152
preclinical genetic models: insights into
individual differences, 152
relevance of preclinical studies to
understanding tobacco dependence,
self-administration, 149...151
validity of, 150
basic mechanisms of nicotine addiction, 148...149
cancer and, 270
cessation methods (pharmaceutical/
nonpharmaceutical), 155...156, 596
cognitive effects, 153
ethnic minorities:
African Americans, 546
Asian Americans, 547...548
differences, 153
interventions for, 551...552
Latino(a) Americans, 549
Native Americans, 550
gender differences, 153
genetic in”uence evidence, 157...160
instruments for measuring, 159...160
phenotypes, 158...159
prevention/treatment, 155...157
pricing/control policy effects, 154...155
psychiatric comorbidity, 153...154
public health imperative, 160 ...161
risk factors for initiation/maintenance, 153...155
tobacco dependence •construct in need of
re“nement,Ž 159...160
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