Handbook of Psychology

(nextflipdebug2) #1

668 Subject Index

Tobacco use/dependence (Continued)
women•s health and, 153, 521, 528
youth access, 155
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 596...598
in Europe, 12...14
in occupational health psychology, 579...580
similarities/differences among U.S., European,
and U.K. models, 17...18
in United Kingdom, 14 ...17
in United States, 10 ...12
Transactional Stress Theory, 29
Transcendental meditation (TM), 595...596
Transduction (physiological process in pain), 303
Transition Life Advisor (TLA) Program, 583...584
Transmission (physiological process in pain), 303
Transplantation, 457... 458
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 454 ... 456
Tui Na, 597
Type A behavior, 345, 349

United Way, 583
Upstream approaches, 229...230, 239

Very low-caloric diets, 131, 207
Very low-fat diets, 601...602
criminal acts, 40 ...41, 475...476
disasters, 31
domestic violence, 40, 517...518
rape (adolescents), 475... 476
Viral infection and chronic fatigue syndrome, 373
Vocational rehabilitation intervention
programs, 429
Vulnerability, 169

War/genocide, 38
Ways of Coping Checklist (WOC), 55, 56
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS),
491, 492
Weight management. SeeObesity
Western systems of healing (therapeutic
approaches/clinical applications),
chiropractic, 594 ...595
homeopathy, 592...593
osteopathy, 593...594
Women•s health psychology, 513...536
breast self-examination (BSE), 54
coping and expression of illness, 533...534
future directions, 534...536
health care providers and, 522...524, 534
health insurance, 523
mental health, 519...522
alcohol, 521...522
anxiety disorders, 520
depressive disorders, 519...520
eating disorders, 520 ...521
issues relevant to treatment of mental
disorders, 522
smoking, 521
substance use/abuse, 521...522
mentorship, 535
multiple roles (risk vs.protective factor),
employment role, 530...532
enhancement or expansion hypothesis, 530
scarcity hypothesis, 530
spouse/caregiving role, 532
who bene“ts and who suf fers, 532...533
obesity, 125

physical health, 514 ...519
arthritis, 518
battering/domestic violence, 517...518
breast cancer, 516
cancer, 515...516
chronic health conditions, 518...519
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 517
coronary heart disease, 514 ...515
“bromyalgia, 519
lung cancer, 515...516
osteoporosis, 519
stroke, 516...517
reproductive health:
delayed menstruation, 470 ...471
infertility, 525...526
miscarriage, 524...525
peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM), 527
postpartum reactions, 526...527
spinal cord injury, 419... 420
stressful conditions related to pregnancy,
teenage pregnancy, 479... 480
sex roles and socialization, 533...534
social/cultural in”uences, 527...534
socioeconomic status (SES), 528...529
Work. SeeOccupational health psychology;
Occupational stress
Written emotional expression, 112, 605

Yin/yang, 596, 597
Yoga, 113...114, 605
Youth Self-Report Form, 475
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