
(Darren Dugan) #1

Appendix K

Physical Constants

Table K-1. Fundamental physical constants (CODATA 2010).

Description Symbol Value
Speed of light (vacuum) c 2:99792458 108 m/s
Gravitational constant G 6:67408 10 ^11 m^3 kg^1 s^2
Elementary charge e 1:6021766208 10 ^19 C
Permittivity of free space " 0 8:85418781762038985::: 10 ^12 F/m
Permeability of free space  0 4 10 ^7 N/A^2
Coulomb constant (1=.4" 0 /) kc 8:9875517873681764 109 m/F
Electron mass me 9:10938356 10 ^31 kg
Proton mass mp 1:672621898 10 ^27 kg
Neutron mass mn 1:674927471 10 ^27 kg
Atomic mass unit u 1:660539040 10 ^27 kg
Planck constant h 6:626070040 10 ^34 Js
Planck constant 2 „ 1:054571800 10 ^34 Js
Boltzmann constant kB 1:38064852 10 ^23 J/K

Table K-2. Other physical constants.

Description Symbol Value
Acceleration due to gravity at Earth surface g 9.80 m/s^2
Speed of sound in air ( 20 ıC) vsnd 343 m/s

Density of air (sea level) (^) air 1.29 kg/m^3
Density of water (^) w 1 g/cm^3 D1000 kg/m^3
Index of refraction of water nw 1.33
Resistivity of copper ( 20 ıC) (^) Cu 1:68 10 ^8 m

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