CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1

6.8. Quadrilateral Classification

  1. To be a rectangle a shape must have four right angles. This means that the sides must be perpendicular to each
    other. From the given equations we see that the slopes are 2,−2, 2 and−2. Because the slopes are not opposite
    reciprocals of each other, the sides are not perpendicular, and the shape is not a rectangle.

  2. First, graphABCD. This will make it easier to figure out what type of quadrilateral it is. From the graph, we can
    tell this is not a parallelogram. Find the slopes ofBCandADto see if they are parallel.

Slope ofBC=^5 − 1 (−− 41 )=−^63 =− 2

Slope ofAD=^3 −− 3 (−−^51 )=−^84 =− 2

We now knowBC||AD. This is a trapezoid. To determine if it is an isosceles trapezoid, findABandCD.


(− 3 − 1 )^2 +( 3 − 5 )^2 ST=

( 4 − 1 )^2 +(− 1 −(− 5 ))^2


(− 4 )^2 +(− 2 )^2 =

32 + 42


20 = 2

5 =

25 = 5

AB 6 =CD, therefore this is only a trapezoid.

  1. We will not graph this example. Let’s find the length of all four sides.


( 5 − 11 )^2 +(− 1 −(− 3 ))^2 F G=

( 11 − 5 )^2 +(− 3 −(− 5 ))^2


(− 6 )^2 + 22 =

62 + 22


40 = 2

10 =

40 = 2



( 5 −(− 1 ))^2 +(− 5 −(− 3 ))^2 HE=

(− 1 − 5 )^2 +(− 3 −(− 1 ))^2


62 +(− 2 )^2 =

(− 6 )^2 +(− 2 )^2


40 = 2

10 =

40 = 2


All four sides are equal. That means, this quadrilateral is either a rhombus or a square. The difference between the
two is that a square has four 90◦angles and congruent diagonals. Let’s find the length of the diagonals.


( 5 − 5 )^2 +(− 1 −(− 5 ))^2 F H=

( 11 −(− 1 ))^2 +(− 3 −(− 3 ))^2


02 + 42 =

122 + 02


16 = 4 =

144 = 12

The diagonals are not congruent, soEF GHis a rhombus.


  1. If a quadrilateral has exactly one pair of parallel sides, what type of quadrilateral is it?

  2. If a quadrilateral has two pairs of parallel sides and one right angle, what type of quadrilateral is it?

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