CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 7. Similarity

7.7 SAS Similarity

Here you’ll learn how to decide whether or not two triangles are similar using SAS Similarity.

What if you were given a pair of triangles, the lengths of two of their sides, and the measure of the angle between
those two sides? How could you use this information to determine if the two triangles are similar? After completing
this Concept, you’ll be able to use the SAS Similarity Theorem to decide if two triangles are similar.

Watch This


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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter7SASSimilarityA

Watch this video beginning at the 2:09 mark.


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James Sousa:SimilarTriangles

Watch the second part of this video.


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James Sousa:SimilarTriangles UsingSSSandSAS


If we know that two sides are proportional AND the included angles are congruent, then are the two triangles are
similar? Let’s investigate.

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