CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1

7.11. Dilation

If the scale factor is 3 andQis 6 units away fromP, thenQ′is going to be 6× 3 =18 units away fromP. Because
we are only dilating apoint, the dilation will be collinear with the original and center.

Example B

Using the picture above, change the scale factor to^13. FindQ′′.

Now the scale factor is^13 , soQ′′is going to be^13 the distance away fromPasQis. In other words,Q′′is going to be
6 ×^13 =2 units away fromP.Q′′will also be collinear withQand center.

Example C

KLMNis a rectangle with length 12 and width 8. If the center of dilation isKwith a scale factor of 2, drawK′L′M′N′.

IfKis the center of dilation, thenKandK′will be the same point. From there,L′will be 8 units aboveLandN′will
be 12 units to the right ofN.

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter7DilationB


Adilationan enlargement or reduction of a figure that preserves shape but not size. All dilations are similar to the
original figure.Similarfigures are the same shape but not necessarily the same size. Thecenter of a dilationis the
point of reference for the dilation and thescale factorfor a dilation tells us how much the figure stretches or shrinks.

Guided Practice

  1. Find the perimeters ofKLMNandK′L′M′N′. Compare this ratio to the scale factor.

  2. 4 ABCis a dilation of 4 DEF. IfPis the center of dilation, what is the scale factor?

  3. Find the scale factor, given the corresponding sides. In the diagram, theblackfigure is the original andPis the
    center of dilation.


  1. The perimeter ofKLMN= 12 + 8 + 12 + 8 =40. The perimeter ofK′L′M′N′= 24 + 16 + 24 + 16 =80. The ratio
    is 80:40, which reduces to 2:1, which is the same as the scale factor.

  2. Because 4 ABCis a dilation of 4 DEF, then 4 ABC∼4DEF. The scale factor is the ratio of the sides. Since
    4 ABCis smaller than the original, 4 DEF, the scale factor is going to be less than one,^1220 =^35.

If 4 DEFwas the dilated image, the scale factor would have been^53.

  1. Since the dilation is smaller than the original, the scale factor is going to be less than one. 208 =^25

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