CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1

10.9. Arc Length

Example B

The arc length ofAB̂= 6 πand is^14 the circumference. Find the radius of the circle.

If 6πis^14 the circumference, then the total circumference is 4( 6 π) = 24 π. To find the radius, plug this into the
circumference formula and solve forr.

24 π= 2 πr
12 =r

Example C

Find the measure of the central angle orPQ̂.

Let’s plug in what we know to the Arc Length Formula.

15 π=

360 ◦
· 2 π( 18 )

15 =

10 ◦
150 ◦=mPQ̂

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter10ArcLengthB

Concept Problem Revisited

In the picture below, the top piece of pizza is if it is cut into 8 pieces. Therefore, for^18 of the pizza, one piece would
have^448 ≈ 5. 5 inchesof crust. The bottom piece of pizza is if the pizza is cut into 10 pieces. For 101 of the crust, one
piece would have^4410 ≈ 4. 4 inchesof crust.


Circumferenceis the distance around a circle. Arc lengthis the length of an arc or a portion of a circle’s

Guided Practice

Find the arc length ofPQ̂in

A. Leave your answers in terms ofπ.

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