CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1

11.3. Prisms

11.3 Prisms

Here you’ll learn what a prism is and how to find its volume and surface area.

What if your family were ready to fill the new pool with water and they didn’t know how much water would be
needed? The shallow end is 4 ft. and the deep end is 8 ft. The pool is 10 ft. wide by 25 ft. long. How many gallons
of water will it take to fill the pool? There are approximately 7.48 gallons in a cubic foot. After completing this
Concept, you’ll be able to answer this question.

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter11PrismsA


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Brightstorm:SurfaceArea ofPrisms


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Brightstorm:Volume of Prisms


A prism is a 3-dimensional figure with 2 congruent bases, in parallel planes with rectangular lateral faces. The edges
between thelateral facesare calledlateral edges. All prisms are named by their bases, so the prism below is a
pentagonal prism.

This particular prism is called aright prismbecause the lateral faces are perpendicular to the bases.Oblique prisms
lean to one side or the other and the height is outside the prism.

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