CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 11. Surface Area and Volume

11.5 Pyramids

Here you’ll learn how to calculate the surface area and volume of a pyramid.

What if you wanted to know the volume of an Egyptian Pyramid? The Khafre Pyramid is the second largest pyramid
of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids in Giza. It is a square pyramid with a base edge of 706 feet and an original height
of 407.5 feet. What was the original volume of the Khafre Pyramid? After completing this Concept, you’ll be able
to answer this question.

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter11PyramidsA


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Brightstorm:SurfaceArea ofPyramids


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Brightstorm:Volume of Pyramids


A pyramid has onebaseand all thelateral facesmeet at a commonvertex. The edges between the lateral faces are
lateral edges. The edges between the base and the lateral faces are calledbase edges. If we were to draw the height
of the pyramid to the right, it would be off to the left side.

When a pyramid has a height that is directly in the center of the base, the pyramid is said to beregular. These
pyramids have a regular polygon as the base. All regular pyramids also have aslant heightthat is the height of a
lateral face. Because of the nature of regular pyramids, all slant heights are congruent. A non-regular pyramid does
not have a slant height.

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