Basic Italian: A Grammar and Workbook

(WallPaper) #1

However, when the reflexive pronoun is not attached to the infinitive, the
auxiliary verb must be essere, and the past participle does agree:

Stressed forms

10 The reflexive pronouns also have stressed forms which are used, like the
stressed forms of other pronouns, for emphasis and after a preposition. These
forms are often reinforced by the adjective stesso:

  • Note that se does not have an accent when it is used with stesso.

Exercise 1

Insert the correct reflexive/reciprocal pronouns in the blank spaces.

Example: A che ora ——— alzi?: ti

Paolo e Francesca si sono voluti
Non ci siamo potuti lavare.
Vi siete dovuti fermare per la notte?

Paolo and Francesca wanted to get
We couldn’t wash.
Did you have to stop for the night?

me or me stesso/stessa
te or te stesso/stessa
sé or se* stesso/stessa
noi or noi stessi/stesse
voi or voi stessi/stesse
sé or se* stessi/stesse


Franca ama solo sé/se* stessa.
Pensi solo a te/te stesso!
Quei due sono davvero noiosi:
parlano solo di sè/se* stessi.

Franca only loves herself.
You only think of yourself!
Those two are really boring: they only
talk about themselves.

1 Quando ——— sposano?
2Dove ——— siedo?
3 Nina non ——— veste mai di
4 Come ——— sentite?
5 Nina e Bart ——— amano.
6Dove ——— incontriamo?

(^7) ——— lavo le mani.
8 Marina ——— guarda allo
9 Silvano non ——— annoia mai.
10 Carlo e Luca non ———
11 Come ——— vestite?

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