Basic Italian: A Grammar and Workbook

(WallPaper) #1

7 The masculine forms uno and un are used before masculine words:

uno is used before words starting with z, gn, ps, s + consonant;
un is used before all other words:

Uno (like lo) is also used before masculine words starting with i + vowel, x, y:

8 As with the definite article, care is needed in choosing the right article to
use with nouns ending in -e or -a which can refer to either male or female

  • In the case of nouns starting with a vowel, the only difference between the
    articles is the apostrophe.

una ragazza
una casa
una stanza

a girl
a house
a room

uno zio
uno gnomo
uno psicologo
uno chef
uno spettacolo
un articolo
un uomo
un hobby
un bar
un ristorante
un senso

an uncle
a gnome
a psychologist
a chef
a show
an article
a man
a hobby
a bar
a restaurant
a sense

uno ione
uno yuppie
uno xenofobo
uno juventino

an ion
a yuppie
a xenophobe
a Juventus fan

un cantante [m]
una cantante [f]
un insegnante [m]*
un’insegnante [f]*
un collega [m]
una collega [f]
un atleta [m]*
un’atleta [f]*

a singer (male)
a singer (female)
a teacher (male)
a teacher (female)
a colleague (male)
a colleague (female)
an athlete (male)
an athlete (female)
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