Basic Italian: A Grammar and Workbook

(WallPaper) #1

5 Quando?

Quando means ‘when’:

6 Perché?

Perché means ‘why’:

Come mai has a similar meaning, corresponding to the English ‘how come’:

7 Quanto?

Quanto means ‘how much’ when referring to quantity, and ‘how long’, ‘how
far’, ‘how tall’, etc. when it refers to time, distance, height, etc.:

Quanto can also be used as an adjective or pronoun. In such cases it agrees in
gender and number with the noun it refers to: quanto [ms], quanta [fs] (how
much), quanti [mp], quante [fp] (how many):

Quando partono i tuoi amici?
Quando comincia il film?
Quando arriva il treno?
Quando è lo sciopero dei treni?

When are your friends leaving?
When does the film start?
When does the train arrive?
When’s the rail/train strike?

Perché ridono?
Perché Giulia non va a scuola?
Perché non studi?

Why are they laughing?
Why isn’t Giulia going to school?
Why don’t you study?

Come mai non mangi?
Come mai siete in ritardo?

How come you’re not eating?
How come you are late?

Quanto pesa?
Quanto costa questa maglietta?
Quanto dura il film?
Quanto è alta tua sorella?

How much/What does it weigh?
How much/What does this T-shirt cost?
How long does the film last?
How tall is your sister?
How much is it?

Quanto pane devo comprare?
Quanta pasta vuoi?
Quanti esercizi dobbiamo fare?
Quante ragazze ci sono in classe
Quanto tempo abbiamo?

‘Ci sono molte persone.’ ‘Quante?’
‘Dobbiamo comprare del pane.’

How much bread do I have to buy?
How much pasta do you want?
How many exercises have we got to do?
How many girls are there in your class?

How much time is there?/How long
have we got?
‘There are a lot of people.’ ‘How many?’
‘We must get (some) bread.’ ‘How
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