Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

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quantum mechanical, with no classical analog. This means that the early dis-
cussion found in most physics textbooks is rather different from the one here.
They will generally include the same fundamental principles described here, but
often begin with the theory of motion of a quantized particle, trying to motivate
it from classical mechanics. The state space is then a space of wavefunctions,
which is infinite dimensional and necessarily brings some analytical difficulties.
Quantum mechanics is inherently a quite different conceptual structure than
classical mechanics. The relationship of the two subjects is rather complicated,
but it is clear that quantum mechanics cannot be derived from classical me-
chanics, so attempts to motivate it that way are unconvincing, although they
correspond to the very interesting historical story of how the subject evolved.
We will come to the topic of the quantized motion of a particle only in chapter
10, at which point it should become much easier to follow the standard books.
There are many good physics quantum mechanics textbooks available, aimed
at a wide variety of backgrounds, and a reader of this book should look for one
at an appropriate level to supplement the discussions here. One example would
be [81], which is not really an introductory text, but it includes the physicist’s
version of many of the standard calculations we will also be considering. Some
useful textbooks on the subject aimed at mathematicians are [20], [41], [43], [57],
and [90]. The first few chapters of [28] provide an excellent while very concise
summary of both basic physics and quantum mechanics. One important topic
we won’t discuss is that of the application of the representation theory of finite
groups in quantum mechanics. For this as well as a discussion that overlaps quite
a bit with the point of view of this book while emphasizing different topics, see
[84]. For another textbook at the level of this one emphasizing the physicist’s
point of view, see [106].
For the difficult issue of how measurements work and how classical physics
emerges from quantum theory, an important part of the story is the notion of
“decoherence”. Good places to read about this are Wojciech Zurek’s updated
version of his 1991 Physics Today article [110], as well as his more recent work
on “quantum Darwinism” [111]. There is an excellent book on the subject
by Schlosshauer [75] and for the details of what happens in real experimental
setups, see the book by Haroche and Raimond [44]. For a review of how classical
physics emerges from quantum physics written from the mathematical point of
view, see Landsman [54]. Finally, to get an idea of the wide variety of points
of view available on the topic of the “interpretation” of quantum mechanics,
there’s a volume of interviews [76] with experts on the topic.
The topic of Lie groups and their representation theory is a standard part
of the mathematical curriculum at a more advanced level. As we work through
examples in later chapters we’ll give references to textbooks covering this ma-

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