Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1
With this choice the distinguished state| 0 〉will be an eigenstate ofHwith

  • The choice of the coordinatezgives a decomposition

M⊗C=C⊕C (24.10)

where the first subspaceChas basis vectorz, the second subspace has
basis vectorz.

  • The decomposition 24.10 picks out a subgroupU(1)⊂SL(2,R), those
    symplectic transformations that preserve the decomposition. In terms of
    the coordinatesz,z, the Lie bracket relations 16.15 giving the action of
    sl(2,R) onMbecome

{zz,z}=−iz, {zz,z}=iz


= 0,












= 0

The only basis element ofsl(2,R) does not mix thezandzcoordinates
iszz. We saw (see equation 24.1) that upon exponentiation this basis
element gives the subgroup ofSL(2,R) of matrices of the form
cosθ sinθ
−sinθ cosθ


  • Quantization of polynomials inz,zinvolves an operator ordering ambigu-
    ity sinceaanda†do not commute. This can be resolved by the following
    specific choice, one that depends on the choice ofzandz:
    Definition.Normal ordered product
    Given any productPof theaanda†operators, the normal ordered product
    ofP, written:P:is given by re-ordering the product so that all factorsa†
    are on the left, all factorsaon the right, for example

:a^2 a†a(a†)^3 : = (a†)^4 a^3

For the case of the HamiltonianH, the normal ordered version

:H: = :



(aa†+a†a): =a†a

could be chosen. This has the advantage that it acts trivially on| 0 〉and has
integer rather than half-integer eigenvalues onF. Upon exponentiation
one gets a representation ofU(1) with no sign ambiguity and thus no
need to invoke a double covering. The disadvantage is that :H: gives a
representation ofu(1) that does not extend to a representation ofsl(2,R).
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