Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

which in the Schr ̈odinger representation is the differential equation

(Q−τP)ψ(q) =





ψ(q) = 0

which has solutions

2 |τ|^2 q

This will be a normalizable state for Im(τ)>0, again showing the necessity of
the positivity condition.
Eigenstates ofHτforτ =ic,c >0 real, are known as “squeezed states”
in physics. By equation 26.20 the lowest energy state| 0 〉will have spatial
dependence proportional to

21 cq^2

and higher energy eigenstates|n〉will also have such a Gaussian factor in their
position dependence. Forc <1 such states will have narrower spatial width
than conventional quanta (thus the name “squeezed”), but wider width in mo-
mentum space. Forc >1 the opposite will be true. In some sense that we
won’t try to make precise, the limits asc→ ∞andc→0 correspond to the
Schr ̈odinger representations in position and momentum space respectively (with
the distinguished Bargmann-Fock state| 0 〉approaching the constant function
in position or momentum space).
The subgroupR⊂SL(2,R) of equation 24.7 acts non-trivially onJ 0 , by

J 0 =


0 1

−1 0



er 0
0 e−r


0 1

−1 0


e−r 0
0 er




0 e^2 r
−e−^2 r 0


takingJ 0 to the complex structure with parameterτ=ie^2 r.
Recall from section 24.4 that changing fromq,pcoordinates toz,zcoordi-
nates on the complexified phase space, the groupSL(2,R) becomes the isomor-
phic groupSU(1,1), the group of matrices

α β
β α


|α|^2 −|β|^2 = 1

Looking at equation 24.11 that gives the conjugation relating the two groups,
we see that (
−i 0
0 i




0 1

−1 0



and as expected, in these coordinatesJ 0 acts onzby multiplication byi, onz
by multiplication by−i.
SU(1,1) matrices can be parametrized in terms oft,θ,θ′by taking


cosht, β=eiθsinht
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