Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

Such matrices will have square−1 and give a positive complex structure when
θ′=π 2 , so of the form

icosht −eiθsinht
−e−iθsinht −icosht


TheU(1) subgroup ofSU(1,1) preservingJ 0 will be matrices of the form

eiθ 0
0 e−iθ


Using the matrix from equation 24.9, the subgroupR⊂SL(2,R) of equation
24.7 takesJ 0 to
coshr sinhr
sinhr coshr


−i 0
0 i


coshr −sinhr
−sinhr coshr




−cosh 2r sinh 2r
−sinh 2r cosh 2r


26.6 Complex structures and Bargmann-Fock quan-

tization for arbitraryd

Generalizing fromd= 1 to arbitraryd, the additional piece of structure in-
troduced by the method of annihilation and creation operators appears in the
following ways:

  • As a choice of positive compatible complex structureJ, or equivalently a

  • As a division of the quantizations of elements ofM ⊗Cinto creation
    (coming fromM+J) and annihilation (coming fromM−J) operators. There
    will be a correspondingJ-dependent definition of normal ordering of an
    operatorOthat is a product of such operators, symbolized by :O:J.

  • As a distinguished vector| 0 〉J, the vector inHannihilated by all annihi-
    lation operators. Writing such a vector in the Schr ̈odinger representation
    as a position-space wavefunction inL^2 (Rd), it will be a Gaussian function
    generalizing thed= 1 case of equation 26.20, withτ now a symmetric
    matrix with positive-definite imaginary part. Such matrices parametrize
    the space of positive compatible complex structures, a space called the
    “Siegel upper half-space”.

  • As a distinguished subgroup ofSp(2n,R), the subgroup that commutes
    withJ. This subgroup will be isomorphic to the groupU(n). The Siegel
    upper half-space of positive compatible complex structures can also be
    described as the coset spaceSp(2n,R)/U(n).

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