Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1
Ω(u,u′) =cq 1 c′p 1 −cp 1 c′q 1 +···+cqdc′pd−cpdc′qd



cq 1 cp 1 ... cqd cpd


      

0 1 ... 0 0

−1 0 ... 0 0









0 0 ... 0 1

0 0 ... −1 0

      

      

c′q 1
c′p 1

      

Matricesg∈M(2d,R) such that


      

0 1 ... 0 0

−1 0 ... 0 0









0 0 ... 0 1

0 0 ... −1 0

      


      

0 1 ... 0 0

−1 0 ... 0 0









0 0 ... 0 1

0 0 ... −1 0

      

make up the groupSp(2d,R) and preserve Ω, satisfying

Ω(gu,gu′) = Ω(u,u′)

This choice of Ω is much less arbitrary than it looks. One can show that
given any non-degenerate antisymmetric bilinear form onR^2 da basis can be
found with respect to which it will be the Ω given here (for a proof, see [8]).
This is also true if one complexifiesR^2 d, using the same formula for Ω, which
is now a bilinear form onC^2 d. In the real case the group that preserves Ω is
calledSp(2d,R), in the complex caseSp(2d,C).
To get a fermionic analog of this, all one needs to do is replace “non-
degenerate antisymmetric bilinear form Ω(·,·)” with “non-degenerate symmetric
bilinear form (·,·)”. Such a symmetric bilinear form is actually something much
more familiar from geometry than the antisymmetric case analog: it is just a
notion of inner product. Two things are different in the symmetric case:

  • The underlying vector space does not have to be even dimensional, one
    can takeM=Rnfor anyn, includingnodd. To get a detailed analog of
    the bosonic case though, we will need to consider the even casen= 2d.

  • For a given dimensionn, there is not just one possible choice of (·,·) up
    to change of basis, but one possible choice for each pair of non-negative
    integersr,ssuch thatr+s=n. Givenr,s, any choice of (·,·) can be put

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