Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1
and in general we have operators


that provide the Lie algebra version of the representation (recall that at
the Lie algebra level,SO(3) andSpin(3) are isomorphic).

  1. The action of the matrix Ω∈SU(2) on the two-component wavefunction
    ψ ̃E,±(p)→Ωψ ̃E,±(p)
    ForRa rotation by angleφabout thex-axis one choice of Ω is

Ω =e−iφ

σ 1

and the operators that provide the Lie algebra version of the representation
are the




The Lie algebra representation corresponding to the action of these transfor-
mations on the two factors of the tensor product is given as usual (see chapter
9) by a sum of operators that act on each factor


The standard terminology is to callLthe “orbital” angular momentum,Sthe
“spin” angular momentum, andJthe “total” angular momentum.
The second Casimir operator for this case is


and as in the one-component case (see section 19.3) a straightforward calculation

shows that theL·Ppart of this acts trivially on our solutionsψ ̃E,±(p). The
spin component acts non-trivially and we have

(J·P)ψ ̃E,±(p) = (



σ·p)ψ ̃E,±(p) =±



|p|ψ ̃E,±(p)

so we see that our solutions have helicity (eigenvalue ofJ·Pdivided by the
square root of the eigenvalue of|P|^2 ) values±^12 , as opposed to the integral
helicity values discussed in chapter 19, whereE(3) appeared and not its double

cover. These two representations on the spaces of solutionsψ ̃E,±(p) are thus the

E ̃(3) representations described in section 19.3, the ones labeled by the helicity
±^12 representations of the stabilizer groupSO(2).
Solutions for either sign of equation 34.6 are given by a one dimensional
subspace ofC^2 for eachp, and it is sometimes convenient to represent them as
follows. Note that for eachpone can decompose

C^2 =C⊕C
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