Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

ψ 1 (q)
ψ 2 (q)







δ(|p|^2 − 2 mE)(ψ ̃E,+(p) +ψ ̃E,−(p))eip·qd^3 p






δ(|p|^2 − 2 mE)(αE,+(p)u+(p) +αE,−(p)u−(p))eip·qd^3 p


34.3 TheE ̃(3)-invariant inner product

One can parametrize solutions to the Pauli equation and write anE ̃(3)-invariant
inner product on the space of solutions in several different ways. Three different
parametrizations of solutions that can be considered are:

  • Using the initial data at a fixed time
    ψ 1 (q)
    ψ 2 (q)


Here theE ̃(3)-invariant inner product is
ψ 1 (q)
ψ 2 (q)




ψ 1 ′(q)
ψ 2 ′(q)





ψ 1 (q)
ψ 2 (q)


ψ′ 1 (q)
ψ′ 2 (q)


d^3 q

This parametrization does not make visible the decomposition into irre-
ducible representations ofE ̃(3).

  • Using the Fourier transforms
    ψ ̃ 1 (p)
    ψ ̃ 2 (p)


to parametrize solutions, the invariant inner product is
ψ ̃ 1 (p)
ψ ̃ 2 (p)




1 (p)
ψ ̃′ 2 (p)





ψ ̃ 1 (p)
ψ ̃ 2 (p)


ψ ̃′ 1 (p)
ψ ̃′ 2 (p)


d^3 p

The decomposition of equation 34.5 can be used to express solutions of
energyEin terms of two-component functionsψ ̃E(p), with an invariant
inner product on the space of such solutions given by

〈ψ ̃E(p),ψ ̃′E(p)〉=


4 π


ψ ̃E(p)†ψ ̃′
E(p) sin(φ)dφdθ

where (p,φ,θ) are spherical coordinates on momentum space andS^2 is
the sphere of radius

2 mE.
Theψ ̃E(p) parametrize not a single irreducible representation ofE ̃(3) but
two of them, including both helicities.
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