Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

To make physical sense of the quanta in the relativistic theory, assigning
all non-vacuum states a positive energy, we take such quanta as having two
physically equivalent descriptions:

  • A positive energy particle moving forward in time with momentump.

  • A positive energy antiparticle moving backwards in time with momentum

The operatora†(p) adds such quanta to a state, the operatora(p) destroys
them. Note that for a theory of quantized real-valued Klein-Gordon fields, the
field Φ has components in bothM+Jr andM−Jr so its quantization will both
create and destroy quanta.
Just as in the non-relativistic case (see equation 37.1) quantum field opera-
tors can be defined using the momentum space decomposition and annihilation
and creation operators:

Definition(Real scalar quantum field).The real scalar quantum field operators
are the operator-valued distributions defined by

Φ(̂x) =^1
(2π)^3 /^2



d^3 p

2 ωp


Π(̂x) =^1
(2π)^3 /^2



d^3 p

2 ωp


By essentially the same computation as for Poisson brackets, the commuta-
tion relations are

[Φ(̂x),Π(̂x′)] =iδ^3 (x−x′), [Φ(̂x),Φ(̂x′)] = [Π(̂x),Π(̂x′)] = 0 (43.21)

These can be interpreted as the distributional form of the relations of a unitary
representation of a Heisenberg Lie algebra onM⊕R, whereMis the space of
solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation.
The Hamiltonian operator will be quadratic in the field operators and can
be chosen to be





:(Π(̂x)^2 + (∇Φ(̂x))^2 +m^2 Φ(̂x)^2 ):d^3 x

This operator is normal ordered, and a computation (see for instance chapter 5
of [16]) shows that in terms of momentum space operators this is the expected



ωpa†(p)a(p)d^3 p (43.22)

The dynamical equations of the quantum field theory are now


Φ = [̂ Φ̂,−iĤ] =Π̂
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