Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

the Coulomb gauge condition automatically implies that Gauss’s law (46.4) will
hold. We thus can take as phase space the solutions to the Maxwell equations
satisfying the two conditionsA 0 = 0,∇·A= 0, with phase space coordinates
the pairs (A(x),−E(x)) satisfying the constraints∇·A= 0,∇·E= 0.
In Coulomb gauge the one Maxwell equation (46.3) that is not automatically
satisfied is, in terms of the vector potential

∂^2 A



Using the vector calculus identity

∇×(∇×A) =∇(∇·A)−∇^2 A

and the Coulomb gauge condition, this becomes the wave equation



A= 0 (46.14)

This is just three copies of the real Klein-Gordon equation for massm= 0,
although it needs to be supplemented by the Coulomb gauge condition.
One can proceed exactly as for the Klein-Gordon case, using the Fourier
transform to identify solutions with functions on momentum space, and quan-
tizing with annihilation and creation operators. The momentum space solutions
are given by the Fourier transformsA ̃j(p) and a classical solution can be written
in terms of them by a simple generalization of equation 43.8 for the scalar field

Aj(t,x) =


(2π)^3 /^2



d^3 p

2 ωp



αj(p) =

A ̃j,+(p)

2 ωp

, αj(p) =

A ̃j,−(−p)

2 ωp

Hereωp=|p|, andA ̃j,+,A ̃j,−are the Fourier transforms of positive and negative
energy solutions of 46.14.
The three componentsαj(p) make up a vector-valued functionα(p). Solu-
tions must satisfy the Coulomb gauge condition∇·A= 0, which in momentum
space is
p·α(p) = 0 (46.16)

The space of solutions of this will be two dimensional for each value ofp, and
we can choose some orthonormal basis

 1 (p), 2 (p)

of such solutions (there is a topological obstruction to doing this continuously,
but a continuous choice is not necessary). Here theσ(p)∈R^3 forσ= 1,2 are
called “polarization vectors”, and satisfy

p· 1 (p) =p· 2 (p) = 0,  1 (p)· 2 (p) = 0, | 1 (p)|^2 =| 2 (p)|^2 = 1
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