Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

They provide an orthonormal basis of the tangent space atpto the sphere of


 2 (p)  1 (p)

Figure 46.1: Polarization vectors at a pointpin momentum space.

The space of solutions is thus two copies of the space of solutions of the
massless Klein-Gordon case. The quantum field for the theory of photons is

Â(t,x) =^1
(2π)^3 /^2


σ=1, 2


d^3 p

2 ωp


whereaσ,a†σare annihilation and creation operators satisfying

[aσ(p),a†σ′(p′)] =δσσ′δ^3 (p−p′)

The state space of the theory will describe an arbitrary number of particles for
each value of the momentump(called photons), obeying the energy-momentum
relationωp=|p|, with a two dimensional degree of freedom describing their
Note the appearance here of the following problem: unlike the scalar field
case (equation 43.8) where the Fourier coefficients were unconstrained functions,
here they satisfy a condition (equation 46.16), and theαj(p) cannot simply be
quantized as independent annihilation operators for eachj. Solving equation
46.16 and reducing the number of degrees of freedom by introducing the polar-
ization vectorsσinvolves an arbitrary choice and makes the properties of the
theory under the action of the Lorentz group much harder to understand. A
similar problem for solutions to the Dirac equation will appear in chapter 47.

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