Psychology of Space Exploration
Aquarius (underwater habitat), 70
Archimedes, 48
Architecture, 15, 125
Arctic, 65, 71, 74–75
Armstrong, Neil, 48
Asteroids, 126, 130, 141, 175
Astronaut selection, 1, 6, 10, 33–36, 38,
40–41, 145–146, 198
changing procedures, 34–37, 202
criteria for, 58–59, 66–67, 76–78
history of, 17, 33
interviews, 38
psychiatry’s role in, 36
psychological testing, 34–38, 202
Astronaut training, 24–25, 38, 181, 185
cross-cultural, 184–185
families and, 42
psychological and interpersonal, 42
“Astronautrix,” 25
attitudes toward psychology, 25, 31
Canadian, 180
cultural characteristics of, 177
European, 179–180
as exceptional individuals, 192
female, in international space missions,
125, 129
gender, 56, 68, 71, 75, 125, 128, 130–
132, 140–141
German, 179
Japanese, 180
Korean, 180
Mercury, 4, 24, 27, 34
Mir, 26
multinational, 49, 55, 77
preparation of, for international
missions, 75, 77
women, 25, 38–39
“Astro-nettes,” 25
Australia, 146
Australian National Antarctic Research
Expeditions, 21
Aviation human factors, 4, 16
Baker (monkey), 18–19
Bales, R. F., 112, 116
Bales Interaction Analysis, 112, 116
Balloons, high altitude, 17
Bardi, A., 190
Baskin, Pamela, 13, 205
Bates Harris, Ruth. See Harris, Ruth Bates
Baum, Andrew, 120
Behavioral health, 7, 14, 22, 44
conference on new directions in, 31
isolation, 49, 52, 54–55, 58–59, 61, 67,
70–73, 75, 86
NASA, perspectives on, 6–7, 10, 198
personal growth, 86
psychological, 80, 86–88, 100–101
Behavioral Health and Performance Program,
10, 30, 44, 183
Belgica, 54
Bell, Paul A., 120
Bergerac, Cyrano de, 144
Berry, Charles A., 8
Bigelow, Robert, 104, 119
Bigelow Aerospace, 119
“Big-eye,” 71
Bioastronautics Critical Path Roadmap, 17,
29, 43
Bishop, Sheryl, 13, 132, 140, 202, 205–206
Boyd, Jennifer, 13, 206. See also Ritsher,
Jennifer Boyd
Brady, Joseph V., 7, 18–19
Braun, Wernher von. See von Braun,
Brislin, R. W., 187
Bulgaria, 179
Burrough, Bryan, 26, 181
Bush, George W., 126, 174
Bystander intervention, 121
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS),
Canada, 74, 146, 157, 174
Canadian Arctic, 74
Canadian Space Agency (CSA), 74