Psychology of Space Exploration
Crew dynamics, 126, 201
cohesion, 56, 58, 67, 131–133,
communication, 49–50, 62
composition, 77, 125, 130
conflict, 128, 132, 140
decision making, 50, 62, 128, 130
group size, 127–128
leadership, 51, 56, 59, 137, 139
Crew Earth Observation, 79–101
Crews, international, 75, 77
Critical incidents, 187
cross-cultural, in space, 68
Cross-cultural issues, 14, 179, 182, 193
Cross-cultural psychology, 177–178, 183
definition of, 183–184
origins of, 178
in space missions, 202
value of international observations in
space for, 193–194
Crowding, 106, 118
Cuba, 179
Cultural characteristics, 38, 125, 188–192
American, 177, 184–185, 188, 191
Japanese, 188–189, 191–192
Russian, 188–191
Culture, 3, 22, 152–155, 159, 173, 181–183,
conflict, 11, 27, 128, 197
definition of, 183
dimensions of, 182, 187–188, 191–192
effects on spaceflight, 197, 200
incidents during international
spaceflights, 128
subjective and objective, 185, 187
Culture assimilator, 14, 177, 184–185
description of, 184
in preparing astronauts for
international space missions,
in promoting anticipatory culture
learning, 185
specific aspects of, 184–185
Cunningham, Walter, 28
da Vinci, Leonardo, 155
Daedalus and Icarus, 48, 144
Darley, John, 121
Data analysis, 115
index of amicability, 115
Database, behavioral, 44
de Bergerac, Cyrano. See Bergerac, Cyrano de
Decision aids, computer, 13
Delta Clipper, 108
Density intensity hypothesis, 112, 116
Devon Island, 74
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III, 37
Dialogue between psychologists and
historians, vii
Discovery (Space Shuttle), 125–126
Discovery Channel Canada, 74
Division of Engineering Psychology,
American Psychological Association, 4
Division of Polar Programs, National Science
Foundation, 21
Dome C, 73
Dominion Explorers, 65
Douglas, William K., 28
Draguns, Juris G., 14, 207–208
Dudley-Rowley, M., 65
Confucian, 188
Western, 188
Earth observations
images, 80–85, 87–100
orbit, 81–82, 84, 89–90, 93–94, 97, 101
photographs, vii, 80–85, 87–91, 94,
Endeavour (English expedition), 63
Enos (chimpanzee), 19
Environmental factors, 19
human-environment interfaces, 55, 77
human-human interfaces, 55, 77
human-technology interfaces, 55
inaccessibility, 50
lack of communication, 50
lack of real-time support, 50