Psychology of Space Exploration

(singke) #1
Subject Index

Triandis, Harry C., 184–186
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 48
Two cultures, vii
Type A personality, 60
UCLA (University of California, Los
Angeles), 9
Uncertainty avoidance, 152, 188
as a cultural dimension, 188
definition of, 188–189
United Kingdom, 179
United States Exploring Expedition, 64
University of Hawaii, 63
University of North Carolina at Wilmington,
U.S. Marine Corps, 74
U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 9, 11,
22, 40, 74
U.S. National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
U.S. Naval Support Force Antarctica, 139
Utah, 75
Vakoch, Douglas A., 214–215
Value hierarchies, 158–159, 162, 164, 170
Achievement, 159, 162–164, 170–171
Benevolence, 159
Conformity, 159, 162–164, 168, 171,
Hedonism (enjoyment), 159, 162, 164,
168, 172
Power, 152, 159, 164, 169
Security, 152, 159, 162, 171–172
Self-Direction, 159, 162, 164, 169
Spirituality, 159–160, 162, 164, 168,
Stimulation, 159, 164, 168
Tradition, 159
Universalism, 159, 162, 172
Value orientation, 152, 174, 187, 190–191
cultural dimensions of, 152, 164, 170,
research on, 177
Values, 144, 147, 162, 168–170, 173–174, 200

differences between Russians and
Americans, 152, 159, 162, 164
in multinational space crews, 162,
164–175, 197
national differences in, 197
Vander Ark, Steven, 42
Verne, Jules, 48, 144
Vietnam, 179
Vinci, Leonardo da. See da Vinci, Leonardo
Virgin Galactic, 104
Virgin Islands, 70
Vision for Space Exploration, 85, 126
Voas, Robert, 21, 24
von Braun, Wernher, 18, 48
Vostok 6, 129
Wayne, John, 25
Weick, Karl, 27
Weightless Environmental Training Facility
(WET-F), 48
Weightlessness, 5, 15, 19
Weitekamp, Margaret A., 7–8, 38, 39
Wells, H. G., 48
White, Frank, 29
Whitson, Peggy, 12–13, 130
Wichman, Harvey A., 14, 197, 215–216
Wilk, Kasia E., 14, 199, 216
Williams, Jeff, 98
Williams, Sunni, 12
Willis, Kimberly J., 13, 216–217
Windows, 14, 22, 28, 80, 85, 89, 92, 99, 113
of opportunity, 31
Winter-over syndrome, 71
WISE (Women in Space Earlier), 38
Wolfe, Tom, 41
as astronauts, 25, 38–39, 125, 129,
Lovelace’s Women in Space Program,
NASA, employment by, 38–41, 125,
qualifications of, 129
in space, 125, 129
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