Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

115 Holton, In sorrowful wrath, p. 20.
116 VfW, 2 December 1910, p. 148.
117 Entry for 29 November 1910, Nevinson diaries.
118 VfW, 9 December 1910, p. 160; Jill Craigie interview with Grace Roe [1975?], Craigie
119 E. Pankhurst, My own story, p. 186.
120 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 346.
121 EP to Mr. Scott, 27 December 1910, Scott Papers.
122 EP to Una Dugdale, 1 January 1911, Author’s Collection.
123 EP to Miss Robins, 5 January 1911, Robins Papers, HRHRC.
124 E. S. Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, p. 98.

1 Coleman, Adela Pankhurst, p. 48
2 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 367.
3 A. Pankhurst Walsh to Helen Moyes, 11 February 1961, SFC.
4 Ibid.
5 H. W. Nevinson Fire of life(London, James Nisbet & Co. Ltd, 1935), p. 252.
6 Quoted in Moyes, A woman in a man’s world, p. 32; Coleman, Adela Pankhurst, p. 50.
7 EP to Mr. Scott, 9 January 1911, Scott Papers.
8 Anti-suffrage Review, February 1911, p. 29; Daily Express, 17 January 1911.
9 Daily Express, 18 January 1911.
10 T. Billington-Greig, The militant suffrage movement: emancipation in a hurry(London,
Frank Palmer, n.d. [1911]).
11 Entry for 17 January 1911, Nevinson Diaries.
12 Mitchell, Queen Christabel, pp. 163–4; Holton, Suffrage days, p. 154.
13 Ethel Smyth to EP, 15 September 1910, Ethel Mary Smyth Letters, WCJL.
14 VfW, 27 January 1911, p. 272.
15 Pugh,The march of the women, p. 140, makes the point that the £10 qualification was
dropped because of fears that it would encourage ‘faggot voting’, that is the endowment
of pieces of property on women with the aim of manufacturing extra votes.
16 Quoted in Raeburn, The militant suffragettes, pp. 162–3; L. Collis, Impetuous heart: the story
of Ethel Smyth(London, William Kimber, 1984), p. 90.
17 Raeburn, The militant suffragettes, p. 163.
18 Ibid.
19 EP to Miss Flatman, 16 February 1911, SFC.
20 VfW, 17 and 24 February 1911, pp. 320 and 343, respectively.
21 VfW, 3 and 17 March 1911, pp. 358 and 391, respectively.
22 CP to Constance Lytton, 1 March 1911, SFC.
23 Smyth, Female pipings, p. 211; VfW, 31 March 1911, p. 420.
24 E. Pankhurst, My own story, p. 191.
25 The Times, 20 March 1911.
26 E. Pankhurst, My own story, p. 193.
27 Ibid., p. 194.
28 Smyth,Female pipings, p. 194. Pugh,The Pankhursts, p. 214, fails to mention what Ethel
specifies, that ‘sometimes’ she would occupy ‘the second bed’ in Emmeline’s room, and
claims, in a subtle change of words, that Ethel ‘often shared Emmeline’s room’.
29 M. Vicinus, Fin-de-siècle theatrics: male impersonation and lesbian desire, in Borderlines:
genders and identities in war and peace 1870–1930, ed. B. Melman (London and New York,
Routledge, 1998), p. 182.
30 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 377.

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