Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

97 The Times, 8 November 1911.
98 E. Pankhurst, My own story, p. 202.

(NOVEMBER 1911–JUNE 1912)
1 EP to Alice Morgan Wright, 11 November 1911, SSC.
2 VfW, 24 November 1911, p. 119.
3 Quoted in Rosen, Rise up women!, p. 154.
4 Daily Express, 22 November 1911.
5 The Standard, 24 November 1911.
6 Jorgensen-Earp, ‘The transfiguring sword’, p. 27.
7 EP to Alice Morgan Wright, 23 November 1911, SSC.
8 Extract from Lloyd George’s speech, Bath, 24 November 1911, John Johnson Collection,
Women’s Suffrage, Box 1, Bodleian Library, Oxford.
9 VfW, 8 December 1911, pp. 160–1.
10 T. Wilson (ed.), The political diaries of C. P. Scott 1911–1928(London, Collins, 1970), p.
58, entry for 2 December 1911.
11 Canadienne, Mrs. Pankhurst in Toronto, The Canadian Courier, 23 December 1911, p. 15.
12 EP to Alice Morgan Wright, 13 December 1911, SSC.
13 EP to Miss Robins, 28 December 1911, Robins Papers, HRHRC.
14 The Standard, 15 December 1911; VfW, 22 December 1911, p. 196.
15 VfW, 29 December 1911, p. 212.
16 Morley and Stanley, Emily Wilding Davison, pp. 156–7.
17 E. Pankhurst, My own story, p. 210.
18 Morley and Stanley, Emily Wilding Davison, pp. 93 and 156–7.
19 C. Pankhurst, Broken windows, VfW, 1 December 1911, p. 142.
20 E. S. Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, p. 103.
21 VfW, 26 January 1912, p. 262.
22 The Times, 23 January 1912.
23 Quoted Rosen, Rise up women!, pp. 156–7.
24 EP to Alice Morgan Wright, 11 February 1912, SSC.
25 Quoted in C. Pankhurst, Unshackled, p. 196.
26 Mrs. Pankhurst, The argument of the broken pane VfW, 23 February 1912, p. 319.
27 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 373.
28 Mrs. Pethick Lawrence, Inciting to violence, VfW, 23 February 1912, p. 325. Syliva in her
TSM, p. 373, misquotes a part of Emmeline Pethick Lawrence’s speech and states that she
said, ‘We can win the victory of Votes for Women by far less dramatic methods of protest
than those indicated by Mr. Hobhouse’ – thus implying that the stone-throwing policy
was upheld by only her mother and Christabel, which was untrue. Emmeline Pethick
Lawrence wrote, ‘Nevertheless we realise that without causing serious results of this
nature, we can embarrass the Government, and oblige them to concede our just and
reasonable demand, if when we adopt far less drastic methods of protest than those indi-
cated by Mr. Hobhouse, we act in large numbers and act together.’
29 Lady Constance Lytton to Dr. Alice Ker, 27 February 1912, WL.
30 Smyth, Female pipings, pp. 208–9.
31 Quoted in the prosecution evidence presented, 20 March 1912, VfW, 22 March 1912, p.
32 The Times, Pall Mall Gazetteand Daily Telegraph, 2 March 1912.
33 VfW, 8 March 1912, p. 360.
34 The Times, 5 March 1912.
35 VfW, 8 March 1912, p. 359.
36 C. Pankhurst, Unshackled, pp. 202–3; Sharp, Hertha Ayrton, pp. 234–5.

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