Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

1 EP to Alice Morgan Wright, 6 and 11 July 1912, SSC.
2 VfW, 2 August 1912, pp. 712–13.
3 The Standard, 22 October 1912.
4 E. Pankhurst, My own story, p. 256.
5 Pethick-Lawrence, Fate has been kind, pp. 98–9.
6 EP to Mrs. Archdale, 14 July 1912, Craigie Collection.
7 Official programme of the great suffragette demonstration in Hyde Park, Sunday, July 14th,
1912, in honour of the Leader’s birthday(London, E. Marks & Sons, Clerkenwell, n.d.),
Author’s Collection.
8 VfW, 19 July 1912, p. 686.
9 Ibid., 26 July 1912, pp. 696–7; Rosen, Rise up women!, p. 170 notes that after prolonged
hunger strikes, Mary Leigh was released on 21 September and Gladys Evans on 3 October
on licences that restricted their activities and movements. Substantial legal complications
led to the cases being eventually allowed to drop, the two women serving only sixteen
weeks of their five-year sentences.
10 C. Pankhurst, Unshackled, p. 222.
11 Crawford, The women’s movement, p. 507. The expense account for Emmeline for July
included £2 7s. for railway fares to Paris, fares and cabs Paris to London and back £5 10s.,
and £2 10s. for her hotel in London, Rex v. Kerr & Others File, SL.
12 EP to Miss Robins, n.d., and EP to Miss Robins, 30 July 1912, Robins Papers, HRHRC.
13 VfW, 16 August 1912, p. 749.
14 Manchester Guardian, 22 August 1912.
15 Quoted in Coleman, Adela Pankhurst, p. 50.
16 Ibid., p. 50.
17 EP to Mrs. Lawrence, 8 September 1912, typed copy, P-L Papers.
18 E. Pethick Lawrence to EP, 22 September 1912, typed copy, P-L Papers.
19 The Standard, 21 September 1912.
20 EP to Alice Morgan Wright, 2 October 1912, SSC.
21 Pethick-Lawrence, My part in a changing world, p. 280.
22 Pethick-Lawrence, Fate has been kind, p. 99.
23 Ibid., p. 99.
24 Ibid., p. 100.
25 Memo, n.d. but signed by C. Pankhurst, E. Pankhurst, F. W. Pethick Lawrence and E.
Pethick Lawrence, written in Fred Pethick Lawrence’s hand, Craigie Collection.
26 Quoted in John, Elizabeth Robins, p. 169, from which the information about this meeting
is taken.
27 Form letter, EP to Dear Friend, 16 October 1912, SFC.
28 EP to Mr. Lawrence, 17 October 1912, P-L Papers.
29 Pethick-Lawrence, My part in a changing world, p. 285.
30 Entry for 23 December 1913, Nevinson Diaries.
31 Pethick-Lawrence, My part in a changing world, pp. 278, 283.
32 E. S. Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, p. 114; E. S Pankhurst, TSM, p. 412.
33 Kenney, Memories, pp. 192–3.
34 Miscellaneous notes by Jessie Kenney, n.d., ‘Jessie – notes on Ethel Smyth, Mrs.
Pankhurst and Christabel’, Kenney Papers, KP/5. I have tidied up this quote in regard to
punctuation and typing errors.
35 David Mitchell interview with Jessie Kenney, 31 July 1964, DMC.
36 Ibid.
37 Ibid.

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