Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

(OCTOBER 1912–APRIL 1913)
1 The Suffragette, 25 October 1912, pp. 16–17.
2 Pethick-Lawrence, My part in a changing world, p. 283.
3 The Suffragette, 25 October 1912, p. 18.
4 Ibid., 18 October 1912, p. 7.
5 Daily Herald, 19 October 1912.
6 VfW, 25 October 1912, p. 18.
7 Kenney, Memories, p. 195; Anonymous [E. Robins], Ancilla’s share: an indictment of sex
antagonism(London, Hutchinson & Co., 1914), p. 244.
8 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 415.
9 Punch, 30 October 1912; David Mitchell interview with Jessie Kenney, 24 March 1964,
DMC; Barrett quoted in entry for 28 January 1913, Nevinson Diaries.
10 E. S Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, pp. 115–16.
11 Entry for 7 November 1912, quoted in Dobbie, A nest of suffragettes, p. 53.
12 The Suffragette, 25 October 1912, p. 24; E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, pp. 416–17.
13 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 419.
14 E. S. Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, p. 120. Pugh, The Pankhursts, p. 254, suggests that
‘the Pankhursts took advantage of Lansbury’s good nature by encouraging him to main-
tain his criticism of his own party leadership’! This is not suggested by G. Lansbury in his
autobiography, My life(Constable and Co., 1928), p. 121.
15 Rosen, Rise up women!, pp. 180–1.
16 The Suffragette, 15 November 1912, p. 64.
17 See Winslow, Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 36, who takes Sylvia’s part in this.
18 Ibid., p. 25; Romero, E. Sylvia Pankhurst, pp. 65 and 79.
19 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 425.
20 Winslow, Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 25.
21 The Suffragette, 29 November 1912, p. 100.
22 Quoted in Schneer, George Lansbury, p. 112.
23 Rosen, Rise up women!, p. 182.
24 Daily Herald, 28 November 1912.
25 Neville, To make their mark, p. 40.
26 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 427.
27 PRO HO 45/10695/231366/2, copy of Metropolitan Police account of WSPU meeting,
London Opera House, 3 December 1912.
28 Entry for 2 December 1912, Nevinson Diaries.
29 The Suffragette, 6 December 1912, p. 124.
30 Ibid., 6 December 1912, p. 114; Daily Herald, 10 December 1912.
31 S. Jeffreys, The spinster and her enemies: feminism and sexuality 1880–1930(London,
Pandora Press, 1985); M. Jackson, The ‘real’ facts of life: feminism and the politics of sexuality
c1850–1940(London, Taylor & Francis, 1994); L. Bland, Banishing the beast: English femi-
nism and sexual morality 1885–1914(Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1995).
32 EP to Alice Morgan Wright, 10 December 1912, SSC.
33 EP to Henry Harben, 20 December 1912, Henry Harben Papers, British Library, Add Ms
34 The Times, 17 December 1912.
35 Form letter, EP to Dear Friend, 10 January 1913, Craigie Collection.
36 PRO, HO 45/10695/231366/10, copy of Metropolitan Police account of WSPU meeting
Pavilion Theatre, 13 January 1913.
37 Westminster Gazette, 23 January 1913; The Suffragette, 31 January 1913, p. 230.
38 The Suffragette, 31 January 1913, p. 230.
39 Ibid., p. 240.

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