Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

40 Pall Mall Gazette, 29 January 1913. Sylvia and Flora Drummond were both later released
since the WSPU paid their fines. Crawford, The women’s suffrage movement, p. 522,
comments, ‘Presumably the WSPU wanted, if possible, to keep its personnel out of prison,
relying on the arson campaign and the hunger striking of those who had received terms of
imprisonment not redeemable by the paying of a fine, to keep the campaign in the front
of the public and Parliament.’
41 Entry for 28 January 1913, Nevinson Diaries.
42 PRO, HO45/10695/231366/16, copy of Metropolitan Police account of WSPU meeting
Essex Hall, Strand, 30 January 1913.
43 EP to Mrs. Harben, 30 January 1913, Goode Collection.
44 Entry for 31 January 1913, Nevinson Diaries.
45 The Times, 1 February 1913; Morning Post, 14 April 1913.
46 PRO, HO45/10695/231366/23, copy of Metropolitan Police account of WSPU meeting,
London Pavilion, 10 February 1913.
47 EP to Miss Robins, 11 February 1913, Robins Papers, Fales Library.
48 PRO, HO45/10695/231366/27, copy of Metropolitan Police account of Putney Branch of
WSPU meeting, 18 February 1913.
49 PRO, HO45/10695/231366/27 transcript by Edward James of WSPU meeting, Cory Hall,
Cardiff, 19 February 1913.
50 Crawford, The women’s suffrage movement, p. 508.
51 The Times, 25 February 1913; Pall Mall Gazette, 24 February 1913; The Standard, 25
February 1913.
52 The Suffragette, 28 February 1913, p. 311. See also The Timesand Western Mail, 26
February 1913.
53 I shall follow here Winslow,Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 202, note 1, where she states that to
December 1913, when the East London Federation of the Suffragettes was a part of the
WSPU, she uses the letters ELFS/WSPU, and ELFS after its expulsion from the WSPU.
54 CP to Elizabeth Robins, 7 March 1913, Robins Papers, HRHRC.
55 EP to Elizabeth Robins, 10 March 1913 and n.d., Robins Papers, HRHRC.
56 PRO, HO45/10695/231366/42, speech by Mrs. Pankhurst at the London Pavilion, 17
March 1913.
57 Quoted in E. Pankhurst, My own story, p. 334.
58 Sylvia Pankhurst to EP, 18 March 1913, SFC.
59 EP to Miss Robins, n.d. [c. 22 March 1913?], Robins Papers, HRHRC.
60 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 450.
61 Letter to the editor, Everyman, 5 March 1931.
62 EP to Miss Robins, n.d. [c. 25 March 1913?], Robins Papers, HRHRC.
63 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 447.
64 EP to Helen Archdale, n.d. [c. 25 March 1913], Craigie Collection.
65 EP to Adela, n.d. [c. 25 March 1913], Craigie Collection.
66 Crawford, The women’s suffrage movement, p. 486.
67 EP to Miss Robins, 1 April 1913, Robins Papers, HRHRC.
68 The Suffragette, 11 April 1913, p. 422.
69 Ibid., p. 423.
70 Ibid., 11 April 1913, p. 423.
71 PRO, HO45/10695/231366/45, A. Kenney speech at Essex Hall, 3 April 1913.
72 The Timesand The Standard, 5 April 1913.
73 J. Gale, 50 years later the suffragettes remember, The Observer Colour Magazine, 7
February 1965, p. 9.
74 E. Pankhurst, Address at Hartford, 13 November 1913, reprinted in Jorgensen-Earp (ed.),
Speeches and trials of the militant suffragettes, p. 341.
75 The Standard, 5 April 1913.

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