Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

51 EP to Ethel Smyth, 22 December 1913, quoted in Smyth,Female pipings, pp. 218–19.
52 Jessie Kenney, Miscellaneous notes titled, Condemn the thirst strike, With Christabel in
Paris, and Christabel and I in Paris, Kenney Papers, KP/5.
53 EP to Ethel Smyth, 26 December 1913, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 219.
54 Ethel Smyth to EP, 26 December 1913, Smyth Letters.
55 EP to Ethel Smyth, 29 December 1913, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, pp. 219–20; Ethel
Smyth to EP, 29 December 1913, Smyth Letters.
56 Ethel Smyth to EP, 31 December 1913 and 1 January 1914, Smyth Letters.
57 EP to Helen Archdale, 26 December 1913, Craigie Collection.
58 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, pp. 517–18.
59 Ibid., p. 521.
60 See Daily Sketchand New York Times, 7 February 1914.
61 The Suffragette, 13 February 1914, p. 387.
62 West, Mrs. Pankhurst, p. 495.
63 Ethel Smyth to EP, 15 January 1914, Smyth Letters.
64 See Elsa Daglish to Sylvia Pankhurst, 17 Feburary 1914, ESPA.
65 EP to Sylvia Pankhurst, 29 January 1914, ESPA.
66 EP to Sylvia Pankhurst, n.d. [1 February 1914?], ESPA.
67 A. Pankhurst Walsh, My mother, pp. 41–2.
68 Ibid., p.42.
69 Coleman, Adela Pankhurst, p. 54, ‘Strategist Christabel shrewdly assessed Adela’s unpre-
dictability, independence and originality as dangerous to her policy.’
70 EP to Helen Archdale, 27 January 1914, Craigie Collection.
71 A. Pankhurst Walsh, My mother, p. 44.
72 Quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 221.
73 A. Pankhurst Walsh, My mother, p. 44.

1 Copies of correspondence Beatrice Harraden [BH] to CP, 13 January 1914; CP to BH, 16
January 1914; BH to CP, 20 January 1914; CP to BH, 26 January 1914, Janie Allen
Papers, Acc. 4498, National Library of Scotland (hereafter, Allen Papers)
2 VfW, 6 February 1914, p. 281; K. Cowman, ‘A party between revolution and peaceful
persuasion’: a fresh look at the United Suffragists in, The women’s suffrage movement, eds
Joannou and Purvis.
3 Emmeline Pethick Lawrence to Sylvia Pankhurst, 17 December 1929, ESPA; Holton, ‘In
sorrowful wrath’, p. 22.
4 The Suffragette, 13 February 1914, p. 397.
5 Quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, pp. 221–2.
6 EP to Ethel Smyth, 21 February 1914, quoted in ibid., p. 223.
7 EP to Ethel Smyth, 29 February 1914, quoted in ibid., p. 224; The Suffragette, 27 February
1914, pp. 444–5.
8 The Suffragette, 13 March 1914, p. 486.
9 Ibid., 20 March and 3 April 1914, pp. 520 and 563, respectively.
10 Ibid., 27 March 1914, p. 535.
11 EP to Ethel Smyth, 8 March 1914, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 226.
12 Quoted in Leneman, A guid cause, p. 184.
13 The Suffragette, 13 March 1914, p. 492.
14 Daily Telegraphand Glasgow Herald, 10 March 1914; The Suffragette, 13 and 20 March
1914, pp. 493 and 511, respectively; PRO HO 144/1254/234646/131, Metropolitan Police
Report dated 11 March 1914.
15 The Times, 11 March 1914.

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