Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

16 The Suffragette, 20 March 1914, pp. 518–19.
17 PRO HO 144/1254/234646/136, Holloway Prison reports on Mrs. Pankhurst, dated 12
and 14 March 1914.
18 Ethel Smyth to EP, 14 March 1914, Smyth Letters.
19 EP to Ethel Smyth, 13 [14] March 1914, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 227.
20 EP to Ethel Smyth, 17 March 1914, quoted in ibid., pp. 227–8.
21 Ethel Smyth to EP, 18 March 1914, Smyth Letters.
22 EP to Ethel Smyth, 8 April 1914, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, pp. 229–30.
23 Ethel Smyth to EP, 3 April 1914, Smyth Letters.
24 Ethel Smyth to EP, 9 April 1914, Smyth Letters.
25 EP to Helen Archdale, Good Friday [1914], Craigie Collection.
26 E. Pankhurst, My own story, p. 334.
27 EP to Ethel Smyth, 21 April 1914, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 230.
28 Ethel Smyth to EP, 22 April 1914, Smyth Letters.
29 Quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 231.
30 EP to Ethel Smyth, 4 May 1914, quoted in ibid., pp. 231–2.
31 Ethel Smyth to EP, 6 May 1914, Smyth Letters.
32 Crawford, The women’s suffrage movement, p. 511.
33 Evening News, 21 May 1914; Daily Mirror, 22 May 1914.
34 The Suffragette, 29 May 1914, p. 120.
35 EP to Ethel Smyth, 29 May 1914, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, pp. 233–4.
36 The Suffragette, 12 June 1914, front page; The drugging case, 30 June 1914, Nancy Astor
Collection (hereafter Astor Collection), University of Reading, 1416/1/2/18.
37 I. A. R. Wylie, My life with George: an unconventional autobiography(New York, Random
House, 1940), p. 180.
38 EP to Mrs. Badley, 8 June 1914, WL.
39 Evening Standard, 9 June 1914.
40 Daily Mail, 12 June 1914; The Suffragette, 19 June 1914, pp. 168–9.
41 EP to Ethel Smyth, 13 June 1914, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 234.
42 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, pp. 564–8.
43 Ibid., p. 570.
44 EP to Ethel Smyth, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 235.
45 Morgan, Suffragists and liberals, p. 131; E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 576.
46 Romero, E. Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 84.
47 Marcus, Introduction, p. 6.
48 G. Lansbury, My life(London, Constable, 1928), p. 127; E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, p. 582.
49 Romero, E. Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 85.
50 E. S. Pankhurst, TSM, pp. 582–3.
51 Ibid., p. 583; The Suffragette, 17 and 24 July 1914, pp. 240 and 260, respectively.
52 EP to Eleanor Garrison, 18 June 1914, SSC.
53 The Suffragette, 17 July 1914, p. 239; Leneman, A guid cause, p. 200.
54 The Times, 8 July 1914.
55 Crawford, The women’s suffrage movement, p. 511.
56 PRO HO 144/1254/234646/149, Holloway Prison report on Mrs. Pankhurst and report of
proceedings of the Visiting Committee, on 10th July 1914; The Suffragette, 24 July 1914,
p. 257.
57 The Suffragette, 17 July 1914, p. 238.
58 Morning Postand Daily Herald, 17 July 1914.
59 The Suffragette, 24 July 1914, p. 262.
60 Ibid., p. 262.
61 Ibid., p. 258.
62 Coleman, Adela Pankhurst, p. 61.
63 The Suffragette, 31 July 1914, p. 279; VfW, 31 July 1914, p. 668.

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