Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

25 Quoted in The Women’s Party(London, The Women’s Party, leaflet, n.d.), p. 6.
26 Romero, E. Sylvia Pankhurst, pp. 124–5; Winslow, Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 104.
27 The Labour Woman, November 1918, p. 76.
28 Quoted in Garner,Stepping stones,p.58;The Common Cause, 9 November 1917, p. 361.
29 Quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 244.
30 The Times, 11 January 1918.
31 E. S. Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, p. 162.
32 Dangers on the home front, Mrs. Pankhurst’s tilt with the pacifists.
33 EP to Ethel Smyth, 11 January 1918, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 244.
34 EP to Helen Archdale, 12 January 1918, Craigie Collection.
35 Britannia, 8 February 1918, pp. 291 and 302.
36 Ibid., 8 February and 15 March 1918, pp. 301 and 374.
37 Smyth, Female pipings, p. 245.
38 Britannia, 5 April 1918, p. 405.
39 E. S. Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, p. 165.
40 Smith, The British women’s suffrage campaign, p. 69.
41 Bartley, Votes for women, p. 98; Pugh, The march of the women, pp. 84–101.
42 Britannia, 22 March 1918, p. 389.
43 See, for example, Harrison, Separate spheres, pp. 196–7; Harrison, Two models, pp. 42–3;
Hume, NUWSS, p. 227; Pugh, The march of the women, pp. 252–83; Smith, The British
women’s suffrage campaign, p. 83
44 Pugh, The march of the women, pp. 252–83; Pugh, The Pankhursts, pp. 329–31.
45 Morgan, Suffragists and liberals, p. 159; Evans, The feminists, p. 223; S. K. Kent, The poli-
tics of sexual difference: World War I and the demise of British feminism, Journal of British
Studies, July 1988, pp. 232–53; Kent, Making peace, pp. 31–50.
46 Smyth, Female pipings, p. 288.
47 Britannia, 15 March 1918, p. 373.
48 Ibid.; Britannia, 5 April 1918, pp. 405 and 407.
49 Ibid., p. 407.
50 Ibid., 19 April 1918, p. 429.
51 Ibid., 19 April and 26 April 1918, pp. 431 and 438, respectively.
52 Ibid., 14 June 1918, p. 491.
53 J. Horne, Socialism, peace, and revolution, 1917–1918, in The Oxford illustrated history of
the First World War, ed. H. Strachan (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998), pp. 235–6.
54 Ibid., p. 235.
55 Britannia, 28 June 1918, p. 15.
56 Ibid., 21 June 1918, p. 3.
57 Ibid., p. 8; Daily News, 14 June 1918; Daily Chronicle, 10 July 1918.
58 Britannia, 26 July 1918, p. 66.
59 Anna Howard Shaw to Helen Fraser, 5 and 10 July 1918, Helen Fraser Papers.
60 E. S. Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, p. 166; Sylvia Pankhurst to Adela, 11 July 1918,
Pankhurst Walsh Papers.
61 Britannia, 4 October 1918, pp. 147 and 151.
62 E. Pankhurst, My own story, p. 3.
63 Britannia, 11 October 1918, p. 157.
64 Ibid., 8 November 1918, pp. 187–8.
65 M. Eksteins, Memory and the Great War, in The Oxford illustrated history of the First World
War, ed. Strachan, p. 307.
66 Coleman, Adela Pankhurst, p. 86.
67 A. Kenney to Dear Fellow Member, 1 November 1918, on headed notepaper of the
Women’s Party, Hugh Franklin-Elsie Duval Papers.
68 Smyth, Female pipings, p. 246.
69 Britannia, 22 November 1918, p. 203.

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