Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

70 Lloyd George to Bonar Law, 21 November 1918, LG Papers.
71 Daily Sketch, 4 December 1918.
72 Smethwick Telephone, 14 December 1918; J. Hannon to Jessie Kenney, 29 November 1918,
Patrick Hannon Papers, HLRO.
73 E. Sylvia Pankhurst to Adela Pankhurst, 11 July 1918, Pankhurst Walsh Papers; Workers’
Dreadnought, 14 December 1918.
74 Miss Pankhurst’s Election Address, General Election December 14th, 1918 (E.
Bowerman, Smethwick, n.d.); Britannia, 6 December 1918, p. 222.
75 M. Hilson, Women voters and the rhetoric of patriotism in the British general election of
1918, Women’s History Review, 10, 2, 2001, p. 334.
76 The Times, 14 December 1918.
77 CP to Lloyd George, 21 November 1918, LG Papers.
78 Britannia, 29 November 1918, p. 212.
79 Smethwick Telephone, 14 December and 30 November 1918.
80 Smyth, Female pipings, p. 246.
81 Larsen, Christabel Pankhurst. Larsen notes that no precise date can be given for her
conversion, but suggests that it was between Easter 1918 and Armistice day of that year,
11 November.
82 E. Bowerman, Note dated 11 October 1964, DMC.
83 Smyth, Female pipings, p. 246.
84 Eleanor Garrison to her Mother, 2 and 7 January 1919, SSC.
85 Z. Steiner, The peace settlement, in The Oxford illustrated history of the First World War,
ed. Strachan, p. 291.
86 Smyth, Female pipings, p. 247.
87 Form letter from EP to Dear Friend, The Women’s Party, n.d., Author’s Collection.
88 P. J. Hannon to E. Manville, MP, 21 March 1919, Hannon Papers.
89 Christabel Pankhurst to Esther Greg, 12 March 1938, Author’s Collection.
90 Pugh, The Pankhursts, p. 355.
91 Daily News, 9 December 1918; M. Carmichael Stopes,Married love: a new contribution to
the solution of sexual difficulties(London, Putnam’s Sons, 1918) andWise parenthood: the
treatise on birth control for married people(London, Putnam’s Sons, 1918).
92 J. Alberti, Beyond suffrage: feminists in war and peace, 1914–28(Basingstoke, Macmillan,
1989), p. 94; Mitchell, Queen Christabel, pp. 278–9; J. Alberti, ‘A symbol and a key’: the
suffrage movement in Britain, 1918–1928, in Votes for women, eds Purvis and Holton, p.

  1. On feminism in the 1920s see also Harrison, Prudent revolutionariesand H. Smith
    (ed.), British feminism in the twentieth century(Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1990), esp. Part II.
    93 V. Brittain, Committees versus professions, in Testament of a generation: the journalism of
    Vera Brittain and Winifred Holtby, eds P. Berry and A. Bishop (London, Virago, 1985), pp.
    106–7, previously unpublished, 1929.
    94 EP to Ethel Smyth, 21 June 1919, quoted in Smyth, Female Pipings, p. 247.
    95 Wills of Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, 23 July 1919, former in Principal Probate
    Registry, London, the latter, Author’s Collection.

1 New York Tribune, 14 September and 2 October 1919.
2 New York Evening Post, 14 September 1919.
3 D. Mitchell, The fighting Pankhursts(London, Jonathan Cape, 1967), p. 130. I draw
heavily on this book in this chapter.
4 Ibid., p. 133; New York Times, 26 October 1919.
5 Vancouver Daily Sun, 28 November 1919.

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