Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

6 Victoria Daily Times, 28 November 1919.
7 Mitchell, The fighting Pankhursts, pp. 135–6.
8 Vancouver Daily Sun, 29 November 1919.
9 C. Sykes, Nancy: the life of Lady Astor(London, Collins, 1972), pp. 190–1.
10 See Burton, Burdens of historyand J. Bush, Edwardian ladies and imperial power(London,
Leicester University Press, 2000), especially Chapter 10 for further discussion of such
11 Victoria Daily Times, 5 May 1920.
12 Quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, pp. 250–1.
13 Mitchell, The fighting Pankhursts, p. 137.
14 Information about the children is obtained from a variety of sources, including telephone
conversations with Kathleen King but especially tape recorded interviews with her, 30
May 1992 and 1 July 2000 (hereafter referred to as Kathleen King interviews), at author’s
home in Portsmouth. Kathleen King now has a different name, but since she does not
wish to be identified, she has asked me if I would not use this name but the name
Emmeline Pankhurst gave her.
15 EP to Ethel Smyth, 30 August and 26 September 1920, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings,
p. 252
16 Kathleen King interviews.
17 Victoria Daily Colonist, 6 October 1920.
18 Ibid., 15 October 1920.
19 I am indebted to Mitchell, The fighting Pankhursts, pp. 137–8 for most of the information
in this paragraph.
20 EP to Dr. Bates, 12 December 1920, photocopy in DMC.
21 Brian Harrison interview with Mary Hodgson, at her home at 60, Glenholt Road,
Crownhill, Plymouth, 2 July 1976, copy in DMC; Kathleen King interviews.
22 Kathleen King interviews.
23 Postcard postmarked 6 January 1921 from Catherine Pine to Kathleen King, in possession
of Kathleen King.
24 Kathleen King interviews.
25 Ibid.
26 EP to Ethel Smyth, 28 January 1921, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 253.
27 Romero, E. Sylvia Pankhurst, p. 152; Coleman, Adela Pankhurst, p. 89.
28 EP to Ethel Smyth, 7 March 1921, quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 253.
29 Ibid., pp. 254–5.
30 E. S. Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst, p. 169.
31 EP to Dr. Bates, 3 and 13 March 1921, photocopies in DMC.
32 Catherine Pine to Dr. Bates and Dr. Bates to EP, 23 March 1921, Dr. Bates to Miss Pine,
24 March 1921, photocopies in DMC.
33 EP to Dr. Bates, 25 March 1921, photocopy in DMC.
34 Toronto Evening Telegramand Toronto Daily Star, 22 April 1921.
35 Toronto Globeand Toronto Mail and Empire, 23 April 1921.
36 EP to Dr. Bates, 18 May 1921, photocopy in DMC.
37 Victoria Colonist, 28 May, 29 June, 17 and 27 July 1921.
38 Montreal Star, 8 August 1921.
39 EP to Dr. Bates, 14 August 1921, photocopy in DMC.
40 Kathleen King interviews.
41 Harrison interview with Mary Hodgson.
42 Dr. Bates to EP, 12 September 1921, photocopy in DMC.
43 EP to Dr. Bates, 23 September 1921, photocopy in DMC.
44 Dr. Bates to EP, 10 October 1921, photocopy in DMC.
45 E. Chapman, Mrs. Pankhurst – Canadian, MacLean’s Magazine, 15 January 1922.
46 Toronto Globe, 17 January 1922.

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