Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

47 Kathleen King interviews.
48 Toronto Daily Star, 11 February 1922.
49 Gordon Bates to David Mitchell, 29 April 1965, DMC.
50 Mitchell, The fighting Pankhursts, p. 146.
51 Victoria Daily Times, 31 August 1922.
52 Quoted by the librarian of the Montreal StarLibrary to David Mitchell, 29 October 1964,
53 Toronto Mail and Empire, 14 November 1922; Mitchell,The fighting Pankhursts, p. 148.
54 C. Pankhurst, Unshackled, p. 196.
55 Kathleen King interviews.
56 Ibid.
57 Coleman, Adela Pankhurst, pp. 92–5.
58 Victoria Daily Times, 16 July and 14 September 1923.
59 David Mitchell interview with Mary Hodgson, 19 April 1975, DMC; postcard in posses-
sion of Kathleen King.
60 Kathleen King interviews; Mary Hodgson to David Mitchell [18 November 1974], DMC.
61 Quoted by the librarian of the Montreal Starto David Mitchell, 29 October 1964, DMC.
62 Toronto Star Weekly, 8 December 1923 and 23 February 1924.
63 Smyth, Female pipings, p. 257.
64 Harrison interview with Mary Hodgson.
65 Smyth, Female pipings, p. 256.
66 Kathleen King interviews.
67 C. Pankhurst, Unshackled, pp. 296–7.
68 Kathleen King interviews.
69 Ibid.; Harrison interview with Mary Hodgson; Smyth, Female pipings, p. 256.
70 Harrison interview with Mary Hodgson.
71 Terry Tucker to David Mitchell, 10 February 1965, DMC; New York Times, 19 April 1925.
72 Harrison interview with Mary Hodgson.
73 Mitchell, The fighting Pankhursts, pp. 155–6.
74 Quoted in Smyth, Female pipings, p. 259.

(1926–JUNE 1928)
1 Dorr, A woman of fifty, p. 265.
2 Harrison interview with Mary Hodgson, 2 July 1976, DMC.
3 Manchester Guardianand Daily News, 28 and 26 January 1926, respectively.
4 Toronto Daily Star, 4 March 1926.
5 General Secretary of McClure’s to EP, 13 April 1926, DMC; Evening News, 20 April
6 Mitchell, The fighting Pankhursts, p. 163.
7 Sunday Express, 31 January 1926; EP to Esther Greg, 18 March 1926, Author’s Collection.
8 New York Herald Tribune, 11 May 1926; M. S. Allen, Lady in blue(London, Stanley Paul
& Co., 1936), p. 94; J. V. Gottlieb, Feminine fascism: women in Britain’s fascist movement
1923–1945(London, I. B. Tauris, 2000), p. 157.
9 Cited in Harrison, Two models of feminist leadership, p. 35.
10 C. Pankhurst, Unshackled, p. 297.
11 Toronto Star Weekly, 16 October 1926.
12 Quoted in Mitchell, The fighting Pankhursts, p. 174.
13 Morning Post, 3 June 1926
14 Ibid., 16 November 1926.

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