Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Books and articles

Published up to and including 1928

Place of publication is London unless otherwise stated

Balfour, B., Letters of Constance Lytton, selected and arranged by Betty Balfour(William Heine-
mann, 1925).
Bell, L., The woman’s movement and democracy, Forward, 23 November 1907.
Billington-Greig, T., The difference in the women’s movement, Forward, 23 November 1907.
—— The militant suffrage movement: emancipation in a hurry(Frank Palmer, n.d. [1911]).
Blackburn, H., Women’s suffrage: a record of the women’s suffrage movement in the British Isles
with biographical sketches of Miss Becker(Williams & Norgate, 1902).
Bullard, F. L., Mrs Pankhurst at close range – a talk with a remarkable personality, Sunday
Herald Boston, 31 October 1909, magazine section.
By one of the rank and file, An impression of Mrs. Pankhurst, Votes for Women, 14 June 1912.
Chapman, C., Mrs. Pankhurst – Canadian, MacLean’s Magazine, 15 January 1922.
Dangers on the home front, Mrs. Pankhurst’s tilt with the pacifists, Liverpool Post, 7 February
Despard, Mrs., A valiant leader, The Vote, 22 June 1928.
Dorr, R. Childe, A woman of fifty(New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls, 1924).
Drummond, ‘General’, The story of my third imprisonment, Votes for Women, 12 November
Glasgow, N. A. John, Holloway jingles: written in Holloway Prison during March and April, 1912
(Glasgow, Glasgow Branch of the WSPU, n.d.).
Hardie, K., Women and politics, in The case for women’s suffrage, ed. B. Villiers (T. Fisher
Unwin, 1907).
Hill, E. and Shafer, O. Fenton, Great suffragists – and why: modern makers of history(H. J.
Drane, 1909).
Independent Labour Party, Report of the fifteenth annual conference, Temperance Hall, Derby,
April 1st and 2nd 1907(Independent Labour Party, May 1907).
Interview with Mrs Pankhurst, The Woman’s Herald, 7 February 1891.
Kenney, A., Memories of a militant(Edward Arnold & Co., 1924).
Lansbury, G., My life(Constable, 1928).
Lytton, C. and Warton, J., Spinster, Prisons and prisoners: some personal experiences(William
Heinemann, 1914).
Manchester Faces and Places, IV, 1893, Dr. Pankhurst.
Metcalfe, A. E., Woman’s effort: a chronicle of British women’s fifty years’ of struggle for citizenship
(1865–1914)(Oxford, B. H. Blackwell, 1917).


The Canadian Courier
The Common Cause
The Guardian
The New Freewoman
The Observer
The Scotsman
The Standard
The Star
The Suffragette
The Sunday Times
The Vote
The Woman’s Journal(Boston)
Toronto Daily Star
Toronto Daily Telegram

Toronto Globe
Toronto Mail and Empire
Toronto Star Weekly
Vancouver Daily Colonist
Vancouver Daily Sun
Victoria Colonist
Victoria Daily Times
Votes for Women
Weekly Dispatch
Western Daily Mercury
Western Mail
Westminster Gazette
Women’s Penny Paper
Women’s Suffrage Journal
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